6 Fascinating Facts About Tina Fey

Michael Allen
The NonFiction Zone
4 min readJun 14, 2016


Tina Fey is one of the most well known comedic writers and actors of our time. Her list of work credits is impressive: head writer of SNL; writer of Mean Girls; creator, executive producer, and lead actor of 30 Rock; creator of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt; and so much more.

She doesn’t look to be retiring anytime soon, which is awesome, because I for one would miss her work. I decided to write up some fascinating facts about her because of her long and illustrious career.

You may be wondering why I don’t have that many fascinating facts on her. It is because these facts were learned while reading her hilarious memoir Bossypants, and memoirs usually aren’t as fact loaded as a biography — memoirs tend to include a person’s point of view on situations and their opinions rather than straight facts.

I hope you do enjoy this short list because I had a blast finding these facts out. I highly recommend you read her book if you haven’t. It made me laugh out loud at times.

The numbers in parentheses is the location of where the specific information can be found. They refer to the location on an Amazon Kindle, since that is where I read this book.

1. The scar on her face.

I’ve noticed Tina Fey’s scar in the past and never knew what had happened. She shares some very brief information about it at the start of the book. She was “slashed in the face by a stranger in the alley behind her house” during her spring semester of kindergarten. (63)

She doesn’t go into much detail about it besides that, and rightfully so, it is a very personal thing. Even though it was briefly mentioned, I still found it to be a fascinating fact since I had not known how she had received the scar. All I have to say about it is, screw the person who did that to her.

2. When she reads fairy tales to her daughter she “changes the word ‘blond’ to ‘yellow’” because she doesn’t want her daughter to “think that blond hair is somehow better.” (180)

3. Confronted her high school health teacher after his homophobic rantings.

Her high school health teacher spent a whole period teaching her class “how to spot and avoid homosexuals.” (300)

After the class, Tina went up to the teacher and confronted him about his teachings. I thought this was fascinating because I don’t think most high schoolers during that time (or even now) would have gone up to their teacher and told them that they thought the teacher had misspoken.

4. She has “no affinity for animals.” She doesn’t “hate” and “would never hurt an animal”; she just “doesn’t actively care about them.” (2467)

5. She doesn’t have a driver’s license. (2467)

6. If she was stuck having to watch the same movie for the rest of her life, it would be Annie Hall or Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. (2815)

I told you it would be short.

I loved reading the book and would highly recommend it. It is a fascinating insight into the mind of Tina Fey. She is an amazing woman, a true role model, and someone who will probably make you spit out your food in laughter. I hope you enjoyed these fascinating facts about Tina Fey that were acquired while reading her memoir Bossypants

As a small bonus, here some funny short scenes of Tina Fey as Liz Lemon. There are people briefly talking in between the scenes about the scenes, but it isn’t too bothersome.

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