10 GIFS That Hit Your Fundraising Feels

The Nonprofit Revolution
3 min readOct 5, 2017

We know fall is an important and busy time of year for you and your organization, with it’s own course of unique ups and downs.

Whatever your cause or initiative that you’re working tirelessly for this season, please know, WE SALUTE YOU — and want to make you laugh!

  1. When your friends and family ask how you’re doing during fundraising season

2. When you realize you have to sort out 500+ files both physically and digitally for year-end

3. When the new employee tells you “nonprofits should be run like a business,” during their first fundraising meeting

4. When your CEO and BOD get all excited for the fundraising event but then start throwing all these suggestions at you like cutting down the budget

5. When you hear there’s leftover pizza from the fundraising meeting

6. When you write AND submit grant applications before their deadlines #GoddessofGrants

7. When a board member actually brings his donor contacts to your event and makes a speech with a real call to action.. you’re in the back like

8. When the fundraising event you organized brought in a lot of money

9. When the board members show up to your fundraising event, eat all the food, and don’t mention donating

10. When you finally get a minute to relax after the fundraising event but you also know fundraising season isn’t over yet

Follow the Nonprofit Revolution for more thoughts, tips, memes and gifs as your nonprofit treks away for fundraising season!



The Nonprofit Revolution

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