Meet Jenna, Founder of Forward Collective.

The Nonprofit Revolution
2 min readJun 11, 2018
Jenna Greene, Founder of FWD Collective.

Jenna Greene shares her journey to finding a creative collective agency of social impact strategists that build stories that will make a difference.


Wethos: WHAT (is your organization’s mission and how does it impact society)?

Jenna: FWD Collective is on a mission to creatively move brands, organizations and the entertainment community fwd while impacting the greater good.

We use marketing and communication strategies for purpose driven partnerships, campaigns, narratives and community engagement activities aimed at building awareness, revenue generation and inspiring action around an issue.

WHERE (is the organization in its lifecycle and where does it go from here)?

We are just beginning. The goal is to keep working with big thinkers from various industries and areas of expertise to create smart, fresh and creative strategies that will make a difference. Together, we can better integrate purpose into business and incorporate meaning into the way we as individuals live our lives.

WHEN (did you face your biggest challenge and how did you overcome it)?

Sometimes it’s challenging to slow down and celebrate the small wins. I want to get better at celebrating the small wins and then continuing to push on.

WHY (did you get into the social impact world)?

I thank my parents for always making it a priority to be involved and give back. That example was set for me and I took it and ran with it. Now the impact world is part of my everyday and my career.

So, what time do you wake up?:

7:00 am

First thing you do in the morning?:

Glance through my email, however I hear that is a bad habit…

How do you take your coffee?

Always with almond milk

Favorite/Inspiration Quote or Book?:

“Align your personality with your purpose and you will be unstoppable” — Oprah

Cause you’re most passionate about?

Too hard to narrow down. But if I must — literacy and access to education.

Where do you think best?

When traveling :)

Dear Do-Gooder (free advice),

If you get knocked down, just keep getting back up!

Final Sign-Off:

If my organization can change one thing about this world it would be to… instill more kindness into one another.

Connect with Jenna and FWD Collective now at Wethos! Also, see what’s up with us and progressing social-good on Instagram @wethosco @fwd_collective



The Nonprofit Revolution

Responsive teams of creative and marketing specialists, actively accelerating progress for the world’s most meaningful brands