Bites of Love

Haena Kim
The Noodle Shop
2 min readSep 16, 2020


Today I had to take a work call in our apartment lobby and couldn’t go upstairs because I didn’t want the call to cut out on the elevator. My wife kept sitting with me downstairs even though I was motioning for her to go upstairs. She kept mouthing something to me but I couldn’t hear her because I had my headphones in.

Finally, after being shooed off by me multiple times, she went upstairs. That’s when I started to notice that there were mosquitoes in the lobby and I was getting bitten.

Later after my call I went upstairs and I asked Tingyi, “Why were you sitting there with me for so long? You had the house keys so you could have gone upstairs first!” She answered, “Because there were mosquitoes in the lobby so I was sitting with you so they would bite me instead.”

Everyone keeps asking me what married life is like. That’s what married life is like.

