Introducing Brands On The Blockchain Series

Jordan B. Jackson
Published in
1 min readJul 21, 2018

A new type of system, with new values.

Brands are a shorthand for a set of associations that consumers use for guidance toward the right product. We use brands as a way to easily parse the signal from the noise.

Said differently, we use brands to eliminate the laborious task of due diligence, such that we can determine whether a person or organization are trustworthy.

Dubbed “The trust machine” in a 2015 essay by The Economist, Decentralized Applications stand to revolutionize not only how we transfer value, but also how we act upon our values. Although! we are a long way from mass adoption.

While technical hurdles still remain, an equally pressing hurdle for blockchains to hit mass scale, is that of usability, seamless user experience and a way for people to feel compelled towards the community of certain dapps.

Usability, community, and user experience. To me, this is the holy grail of building an enduring brand and it is the reason why I am pleased to announce the forthcoming release of a new series on The Branded Podcast, entitled Brands On The Blockchain (the series will run along side regular episodes.).

