Introducing The Nordic Numbers

The Nordic Web
3 min readFeb 14, 2014

Since announcing The Nordic Web, we have been overwhelmed and encouraged by the response, and believe more than ever that the story of The Nordic technology scene not only deserves telling, but also that there is a substantial audience that want to hear it.

Our vision for The Nordic Web is to shine a spotlight on the Nordic technology scene, and highlight the incredible contribution the region has made, and for people to take a more active interest in the scene.

This interest in the regions technology scene is extremely important to it’s future success, and this high quality in-depth content will achieve that but we also want to turn this passive interest into something more tangible for The Nordic region.

Introducing The Nordic Numbers

The Nordic Numbers is a ranking system of the regions startups, based on a unique algorithm consisting of a number of factors, which include; social growth, social reach, employee growth and revenue/user/download growth, which all translates into their Nordic Number.

By providing access to this data to potential investors, we can encourage more investments in the region, providing them with an insight into who is an attractive proposition for them to fund, and assisting them into making more informed decisions.

We also provide the opportunity of a warm introduction for the investors through the platform, should both parties be interested in speaking to each other, opening up doors for both investors and startups.

The Nordic Numbers will be available on a monthly or yearly subscription basis, and will sit alongside the free content of The Nordic Web itself.

By looking at the technological trends in the Nordics today, you can predict tomorrow’s global trends.

Upon launch of The Nordic Web publication (March 2014), we will open up The Nordic Numbers to a select number of Beta users. If you are an angel or VC who is interested in being considered for early access then email us on

The Nordic Web Investor Daily

To complement The Nordic Numbers, and in addition to our weekly newsletter covering general news in the region, we will also be launching a free daily roundup, focusing on investment and growth news, to keep investors and VC’s up to speed on developments as soon as they happen.

You can sign up to this here.

The Nordic Web is a digital publication taking an in-depth look at the Nordic technology scene, with features and analysis on ideas, innovation, design and startups originating from the region.

Our writers include current contributors to Wired and Forbes, and provide the quality in-depth coverage of The Nordic technology scene that it deserves, not just for the inhabitants of the region but also for the rest of the world.

Keep up to speed with the Nordic technology scene and be notified of our launch (March 2014) by signing up here.

You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.



The Nordic Web

The Number 1 resource for insight and analysis on Nordic Startups.