Behind The Guild

Learn about the team that’s redefining the gaming industry.

Max Preusse
The Notice Board
4 min readMar 10, 2018


Blockchain and Crypto games are a new and wild beast. Every few weeks, we are seeing a fresh generation of titles, iterating on what came before, exploring new concepts, and shaping the picture of things to come. BitGuild, a dedicated blockchain gaming platform, is well set to harness this beast. Building the future of games is no small task. It requires a clear vision, even if the end goal is still unclear. BitGuild is ready to clarify this, and step into the forefront of the blockchain gaming industry.

But who is BitGuild?

Jared Psigoda — Chief Executive Officer, Guildmaster

Jared Psigoda

On the BitGuild construction site, Jared is the foreman. He’s the man with the plan to take the crypto-gaming scene by storm.

Before founding BitGuild, Jared was CEO and co-founder of Reality Squared Games, a successful video game developer and publisher with over 80 million gamers, which he took public in Asia in 2016. He has since founded Livestar; a development studio focused on bringing live streaming and other social media apps to a global audience.

Jared has been an important player in the Real Money Trade industry of virtual in-game items since before the invention of Bitcoin and is a cryptocurrency veteran, having invested in multiple blockchain-related projects. Few people are better positioned than Jared to grab this crypto bull by the horns — But he won’t be doing it alone. Meet Mikhail.

Mikhail Larionov, Chief Technology Officer

Mikhail Larionov

Mikhail is a man of many talents. He’s been at the forefront of mobile game development since the early days of the industry, having developed several games over a 10 year period. He joined Disney in 2011, where he worked on high profile IP game Gardens of Time, as well as having produced, launched, and maintained Castle: the Dangerous Game.

Mikhail moved on from the gaming industry in October 2014 to join the illustrious ranks of Facebook. During his time there, Mikhail served as Engineering Manager for the Facebook Messenger Platform team. He also has experience in building decentralized cryptocurrency exchange systems from the ground up.

All this savoir-faire puts Mikhail at a unique advantage in the blockchain gaming industry. He’s now jumped back into the world of video games, applying his vast knowledge and expertise to build the core underlying systems for the BitGuild platform, as well as developing them into a healthy foundation for blockchain games to grow and flourish on.

Having a revolutionary platform is all well and good — But it doesn’t mean much if we have nothing to put on it. While BitGuild will be working with a number of third party producers to bring a variety of games to the platform, we’ll also be producing titles in-house.

Watch this Q&A to learn more about Mikhail and his work at BitGuild.

Curtis Chiu, Chief Operating Officer

Curtis Chiu

With over 17+ years of game industry experience, Curtis’ skillset spans across development, publishing, and operations over every major gaming platform.

He has worked with various top gaming companies in the US and Asia as an executive producer and product manager such as Kabam, Outspark, Sega, and Konami. He previously served as the COO of Livestar, a development studio focused on live video streaming.

Curtis brings all his experience to the table at BitGuild, shaping game development processes as we move forward with building an entirely new breed of digital interactive entertainment.

Sean Keith, Vice President Business Development

Sean Keith

Sean is a gaming enthusiast, and firmly believes in the potential blockchain technology has to revolutionize gaming.

During his time at digital payment companies, IP licensing shops, and game publishers, Sean acquired a firsthand understanding of the ownership and transaction issues facing gamers and game companies.

Before setting foot in the world of video games, Sean worked as a diplomat, breaking down barriers and becoming a bridge between the West and the East. Sean’s background, experience, and interests make him perfectly suited to be the man to drive BitGuild’s name forward in the gamespace.

The BitGuild team is composed of several more international members, with strong backgrounds in marketing, art, game production and more. The team is focused, moves fast, and is ready to adapt and overcome any challenge they should be faced with as they continue the journey toward redefining what a video game even is.

BitGuild’s mission is to revolutionize the global gaming industry by creating a platform for a brand new class of games that live on the blockchain. Blockchain games completely redefine the relationship between players and developers by facilitating full and true ownership of in-game assets, cheap & safe item trading, cross-game compatibility of items & currency, and more.

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