BitGuild Portal Update — Mobile Support, PLAT Airdrop

Welcome back for another edition of the BitGuild Portal Team Blog

Jeff Carnegie
The Notice Board
3 min readJun 15, 2018


Our team has been hard at work implementing our marketplace (still in progress), but we’ve still had some time to put together a better mobile experience for you. Today we’ll even show you how to play Ether.Online through the portal using Trust Wallet. We’ll also give you the lowdown on our first ever promotional airdrop.


As promised in our last blog post, we’ve improved our mobile experience. Take a look at from your mobile device and let us know what you think.

We know what you’re going to say next — “That’s great, but I can’t register/login/gift items since MetaMask doesn’t work on mobile!” That’s okay, because you can use Trust Wallet. See the next section…

Playing Ether Online using Trust Wallet

Trust Wallet is an Ethereum compatible wallet that runs as an app on your phone. Install it from your app store, give its browser the url to BitGuild ( and never see those pesky “MetaMask must be installed” on mobile again!

Here’s how:

1. Download the Trust Wallet app:
2. Open Trust Wallet and use the browser tab to navigate to
3. Register, if you haven’t already.
4. Click “Play” and you’re ready to play!

We’d like to remind you that Trust Wallet implementation on is still in the early stages — sometimes, things may not work as you expect them to, so please let us know on our Discord if you are experiencing any issues when accessing BitGuild with this new mobile method.

Happy Gaming!


As mentioned above, we completed our first promotional airdrop last weekend and want to share with you the details, numbers and some of the pitfalls we ran into.

But first, what is an airdrop? A “crypto airdrop” is when a blockchain project or ICO distributes free tokens to the crypto community.

How about some numbers?

  • 20,525,628.99 PLAT tokens distributed in 10,653 transactions
  • 1 week to complete
  • A couple of thousand USD in gas fees
  • 4 reports of missing airdrops so far, less than 0.04% of failure rate

And some technical details for ya: Each airdrop is a raw transaction call for token transfer. For each call, we need to calculate the “nonce” and “gas price” for the transaction. Then each transaction would be mined in the blockchain and the gas price is used to pay for the mining cost. To ensure fast mining, we have paid a premium on top of the average gas price.

And, of course, it didn’t always go smoothly: To make sure not to flood the network, we paused after every 100 transactions. However, there are numerous instances where transactions are sent to an Ethereum node but were not mined. It took many hours for the transactions to get mined eventually. That is why the airdrop took such a long time to complete.

Despite the challenges, it was great to see our supporters get the rewards they deserve!

We’re Hiring

We’re in the process of expanding our engineering team and hope to announce new team members soon. If you, or anyone you know has a passion for the blockchain and games, send them our way:

BitGuild’s mission is to revolutionize the global gaming industry by creating a platform for a brand new class of games that live on the blockchain. Blockchain games completely redefine the relationship between players and developers by facilitating full and true ownership of in-game assets, cheap & safe item trading, cross-game compatibility of items & currency, and more.

Join the community on Twitter, Discord, and Facebook.

