Bitizens Development Update

A quick update on Bitizen’s development progress — Upcoming Twitter contest, sharing features, and more!

Curtis Chiu
The Notice Board
3 min readNov 9, 2018


Greetings, Guildmates!

A lot’s been going on inside BitGuild Studio lately. We are digging deep into the design of expeditions, while simultaneously taking time to improve the overall Bitizens experience. This includes several Firefox focused optimizations and compatibility fixes as our team gets more familiar with the API of that browser.

In this post, we’re going to detail a bit of what’s coming in the near future for Bitizens, as well as tease some content that’ll be rolling out at a later date.

More meat!

Our priority for Bitizens is bringing you a compelling gaming experience with unique blockchain features. So naturally, we’re putting a lot of time into our core expeditions feature. The main purpose of this portion of the game is to provide a way for you to acquire new items for your Bitizens, and start taking full advantage of the ERC-998 token standard to really customize your Bitizen with elusive, rare, and fully tradeable clothing.

Alongside this, we are exploring initial stages for features focused on Bitizen interaction, with the ultimate goal being to create a living, breathing Bitropolis where all cryptogamers can explore, chat, and play together. We’re not entirely ready to share that much detail on this yet, but we are integrating a little something-something to help give you different ways to get more eyes on your Bitizen.

Sharing is caring

A Bitizen should feel unique and personal, from the way you design your character initially, to the clothing items you choose to equip as you play. We want you to be able to show off your Bitizen and have it reflect your online cryptogamer persona.

As a first step toward this goal, we’ve been planning on integrating some social media sharing features into Bitizens, in an effort to give you easy ways to share your characters on platforms such as Facebook or Twitter. We’re happy to announce that in an imminent update, we’ll be making this a reality, and we hope to see you all sharing your Bitizens everywhere!

Some art concepts

For our upcoming expedition feature to be any fun, we’re obviously going to need a lot of cool and unique clothing sets for players to find as rewards. As such, our 3D team has been working full steam, creating ~500 unique pieces based off of the countless sketches our concept artists have been drawing.

In addition to their hard work, our content producer has been busy coming up with cool names for these items, giving them a place within the world of Bitropolis. It’s not as easy as it sounds though!

So maybe you’d like to take a shot at it? Very soon, we’ll be releasing more visuals on these sets, as well as hosting a little contest over on Twitter! Help us come up with some cool names, and win some PLAT as a reward! Stay tuned for details!

Concept Art Design for New Set

That’s all the news we’ve got for you this time. Stay tuned for more as we continue developing and improving Bitizens.

BitGuild aims to bring blockchain and cryptocurrency adoption to the masses by providing compelling experiences that are easily accessible. Between the official BitGuild portal, our discovery platform for great crypto games, and GuildChat, our decentralized wallet mobile app with an integrated social suite, we’re firing on all cylinders to usher in a new age, changing the way people interact with their digital goods.

Join the community on Twitter, Discord, and Facebook.

