Dev Spotlight: Blockchain Cuties

Is Blockchain Cuties just another crypto pet game? We don’t think so.

The Notice Board
4 min readAug 29, 2018


You might have heard of Blockchain Cuties, a game that allows you to collect, breed, and battle adorable little cuties on the blockchain. What you don’t know is that this is not just another crypto pet game.

Since the game will be available on our portal in a few weeks (!!!) we decided to have a little chat with one of the developers on the team, Davis Toliashvili, and discuss why the game is so unique compared to other games in this space.

Please tell us a little about your team — how many people work on Blockchain Cuties?

We have a relatively small, but extremely efficient team of committed and inspired people. There are about 20 of them.

It is a great honor to be surrounded by individuals striving for excellence even under pressure of the great workload that we have. We produce a stable flow of releases and updates that not only improve the game but also add new and exciting features.

Does your team have any previous experience in creating online games?

Our team is not new to the gaming industry. We have been developing games together for 6 years now. Some of us have even more experience in the field from their previous occupations.

We have worked on multiple mobile games for our clients as a game development studio. However, Blockchain Cuties is very special to us since this is our brainchild that we fully invented ourselves for our players. We plan to pour all our previous knowledge and experience, as well as our hearts into this project.

Why did you create Blockchain Cuties?

We believe in blockchain technology. We think it will be a part of everyone’s online behavior and pursuits in the coming years.

Our team thrives on challenges so we decided to make our own blockchain game in the best way possible. We wanted to create something that would bring not only profits, but also great fun to our players.

When designing Blockchain Cuties, did you take any lessons from CryptoKitties? What are you doing differently?

CryptoKitties has definitely influenced the industry. We tried to take the best from their concept and improve upon it. We strive to create something that would bring a next-level experience for our players. We aim to continually evolve the game, bringing new things to the table.

In terms of development we introduced the following:

  1. Our smart-contracts have a module structure, so we can constantly update blockchain functionality and continue improving the game.
  2. We have successfully released our own first in the industry in-game wallet.
  3. We aim for the best experience for our players by polishing and perfecting every detail in the game.

What do you think are the most unique features of Blockchain Cuties?

We bring development experience and high standards to the young and dynamic CryptoGaming industry. It is a chance for us to excel, innovate and bring the best possible product to the market.

Blockchain Cuties has a very low entry barrier. We designed the game to make it easy for players to get a full impression without making a significant investment.

While we are maintaining the core concept of the game, we aim to reach a wide audience to bring value to as many people as possible. Usually, cryptogames are targeted towards blockchain enthusiasts and investors. Our vision is to create a game that would act as sort of a gateway to crypto-world for the general public.

We plan to continue bringing innovations to the industry, in order to provide an exciting and profitable environment for our growing player community.

Do you have anything you can share with us regarding the future of Blockchain cuties? Maybe some upcoming features or events?

We see a great future for Blockchain Cuties. Currently, we have several important and exciting updates in the pipeline.

We do not settle for mediocre results and aim for excellence in our work. Our priorities are innovation, quality player experience, and great game mechanics. In the coming weeks, we plan to add several completely new and never seen before features.

We don’t want to reveal too much just yet, but we have 4 words for you — and 3 of those words are important.

Attributes and Raid Bosses

We keep the details of these updates a secret for now and allow our players and the media to speculate. To find out everything firsthand you are more than welcome to witness the grand reveal on our Twitch channel and our Medium blog.

BitGuild’s mission is to revolutionize the global gaming industry by creating a platform for a brand new class of games that live on the blockchain. Blockchain games completely redefine the relationship between players and developers by facilitating full and true ownership of in-game assets, cheap & safe item trading, cross-game compatibility of items & currency, and more.

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