GuildChat Wallet Guide

We show you how to create and use a wallet on GuildChat

The Notice Board
6 min readOct 4, 2018


Welcome to the official GuildChat Wallet Guide!

Here, we’ll walk you through the wallet creation process, and go over what you can do with your newly created GuildChat wallets.

This guide is going to cover:

  • Wallet creation
  • Adding a custom token
  • Sending and receiving tokens
  • Using both types of wallets — Coin Pouch & Private Wallet

First up, let’s take a look at the wallet screen.

Here, you’ll see what we call your Coin Pouch. This is a Centralized Wallet, meaning your funds exist within the GuildChat app servers and are available for instant transfer to friends and groups — without the hassle of waiting for slow blockchain transactions.

Below, you’ll find your Private Wallets, or Decentralized Wallets — these are more like your traditional cryptocurrency wallets, protected by seed words or private keys, with everything stored securely in your possession on the blockchain.

Each wallet serves its own purpose, so you should set up all the wallets you need. Here’s how to do so.

Getting Started.

Everyone has a Coin Pouch by default, for which you’ll be required to set up 6 Digit PIN the first time you open it. However, you’ll have to create your own Private Wallet to use certain GuildChat Features.

  1. Tap ‘Me’ on the bottom right corner of the Main GuildChat app screen, then tap ‘Wallet’

2. Tap the ‘+’ button at the top right corner of the screen, and select Create Wallet.

3. From here, select the type of wallet you’d like to create. Currently, Guildchat supports both Ethereum and Tron Wallets, and is able to hold any ERC20 or TRC10 token you can think of.

Setting up a ‘Private’ Wallet

Before using most of our features, including sending and receiving tokens, you’ll have to create both an Ethereum Wallet and a Tron wallet. Here’s how:

  1. When creating a wallet, you’ll be prompted to set a wallet name, as well as a personal password.

2. You’ll then be presented with either a series of ‘Seed Words’, or a long-form Private Key, depending on the type of wallet you are trying to create.

It’s very important that you save your seed words / private key in a safe place. If you should lose access to your wallet for whatever reason, this is the only way to recover your wallet — Due to the secure nature of blockchain wallets, we cannot help you recover your wallet.

3. If you’ve just created an Ethereum Wallet, GuildChat will prompt you to confirm that you’ve backed up your wallet by entering the seed words in the correct order. Simply tap the words in sequence, corresponding to what you just saved.

Wallet Features

Wallets in GuildChat allow you to send, receive, and manage your cryptocurrency tokens. Tokens earned from Coin Drops are saved to your Coin Pouch, and can be withdrawn to your Private Wallets for safekeeping. From the Private wallet, you can choose to receive tokens (from an exchange, for example), or send them wherever you please.

Adding a Custom Token

Are you trying to add your favorite ERC20 or TRC10 token to your wallet, but can’t see it in the list? Don’t fret, here’s how to add any custom token to your wallet.

  1. Tap the ‘+’ symbol to the right of your wallet name, and then again on the top right of the next screen.

2. Input the name of your desired token.

3. If you want to add a custom ERC20 or TRC10 token not found in the list, you can add a custom one from here as well.

Sending & Receiving Tokens

Here, we’ll detail the various ways in which GuildChat allows you to send and receive tokens to and from your wallets.

“Old-School” Transfers

GuildChat supports sending and receiving tokens the traditional way, by using public keys or QR codes to initiate transfers. Both of these functions can be accessed within the wallets.

  1. From the wallet screen, tap your chosen wallet, and then tap the token you’d like to transfer.
  2. Select whether you’d like to send or receive tokens, using either a public key or a QR code.

GuildChat Transfers

We think the above method, used by all current cryptocurrency wallets, is a bit inconvenient… So we’ve made it simpler!

In GuildChat, you can use your friend list, or even group chats, to easily send tokens exactly where you want them to go.


Standard blockchain wallet transfers can be performed within one-on-one chats with ease.

  1. To initiate a transfer, go to a private chat of your choice, and press the ‘+’ button on the left side of the text input field, then tap the transfer icon.

2. Select your desired token type, and input the amount you’d like to send.
Tokens are taken from your default wallets for the corresponding token.

3. Confirm the transaction by inputting your password, and that’s it! You transfer will happen in the next few minutes, according to blockchain network load.

Coin Drops

With coin drops, you can send tokens to multiple users! This is a fun new way of sharing the cryptocurrency love, and can be configured in a few different ways.

  1. To initiate a Coin Drop, go to the group chat of your choice, and press the ‘+’ button on the left side of the text input field, then tap the Coin Drop Icon.

2. Now, select the total amount you want your Coin Drop to contain, for example, 20 TRX.

3. Then, select whether you want the Coin Drop to contain a random or identical amount for each user that opens it.

4. Select how many users you want to be able to open your Coin Drop.

5. If you want to, you can give your Coin Drop a name.

6. After inputting your Coin Pouch password, your Coin Drop will be sent!

Recharging & Withdrawing

To move tokens to and from your Coin Pouch and your wallets, you’ll need to use the Recharge and Withdraw features.

  1. Open your Coin Pouch, and tap the token you’d like to move.
  2. Now, make your choice to either Recharge your Coin Pouch with tokens, or Withdraw tokens from your Coin Pouch to your Private Wallet.

3. Select the Private Wallet you’d like to use, input your Coin Pouch password, and you’re done!

*Note that moving tokens to and from your Coin Pouch is a blockchain transaction, and is subject to the same fees and potential delays as any other blockchain transaction.

Thank you for using GuildChat! If you have any issues or questions, please direct them to

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