How to migrate your cold wallets to GuildChat 2.4?

Yorina Wouters
The Notice Board
Published in
4 min readMar 11, 2020


A step-by-step guide to migrate your cold wallets from Guildchat 2.3 to Guildchat 2.4.

How to migrate your cold wallets to GuildChat 2.4?

Step 1: Open your wallet overview and select the wallet that you want to back up.
Open the old version of Guildchat and click in the lower right corner on ‘Wallet’, next click in the right on ‘Wallet’ and then on the ‘three lines’. You will get an overview of your current COLD wallets. These are the wallets that need to be exported to the new version of GuildChat. Choose the wallet that you want to import and click on the ‘three dots’ and choose ‘export private key’.

Please note: You will need to repeat the steps below for all the TRON, Ethereum and Bitcoin wallets that you have connected.

Step 2: Copy your private key and make a back up
Once you’ve input your password, your private key will be visible. Your private key gives you access to all the functions of your TRON or Ethereum cold wallet. It’s important that you don’t share your private key with others to protect your funds, and make a double back up for safety…

