How to Vote for BitGuild in TRON Super Representative Elections

A step-by-step guide on how to vote for BitGuild as a TRON Super Representative

The Notice Board
4 min readSep 19, 2018


It’s official, we’re in the running to become one of only 27 Super Representatives on the TRON network.

Super Representatives earn TRX rewards (TRON token, a.k.a Tronics) for solving blocks, all of which we will be given back to the users who vote for us. In fact, we’re not only giving away 100% of our potential rewards, but 115%! For more details, check out our previous post.

As a Super Representative, we aim to spread the word about cryptogaming and blockchain to as wide an audience as possible. By continuously growing our community, we are steadily creating a rich atmosphere from which cryptogaming can make an impact on the video game industry as a whole.

Wanna help us get there? Read on as we detail the process of voting for BitGuild as Super Representative of TRON.

How to vote for BitGuild as a TRON Super Representative

1: To gain the ability to vote for any SR, you’ll first have to obtain a TRX wallet. You can find the official guide from TRON on how to do so right here.

2: Next, you’ll need to get some TRX into your newfound wallet. You can make a deposit via an exchange of your choosing, provided they carry TRX.

3: You should now be set up with a wallet that has some TRX in it on Next, you’ll have to Freeze as much TRX as you want to vote with. When your TRX is frozen, it remains locked in your wallet for a period of 3 days, unable to be transferred.

To freeze your TRX, head to your account page, and click the blue Freeze button. You’ll be prompted to select the amount and confirm your choice to freeze your TRX.

In exchange, you will be granted Tron Power, the resource used when casting your votes!

4: Head to the “Votes” page, where you’ll be able to submit your vote for BitGuild, as well as see when the next voting round begins (you can vote again every 6 hours!)

Click on Votes, found in the top menu bar of
Don’t forget to click here (near the top of the page), or you won’t see the option to allocate voting power

Find BitGuild in the list, allocate your votes as you see fit by clicking the green “+” button. When you’re happy with the number, scroll to the top, and click “Submit Votes”

adding our 50 TRX worth of voting power to BitGuild!

That’s it! Your vote should now be registered. We thank you for taking the time to help us achieve this goal, and look forward to providing our community with more great games and projects in the near future.

Please Note:

  • Don’t be alarmed if you don’t see your vote take effect immediately. Votes are tallied at the start of every 6-hour mark.
  • If you don’t see the vote button, please double check steps 1–3 to ensure you are ready to vote, or the button simply won’t appear!
  • You can vote for multiple Super Representatives at the same time!

BitGuild’s mission is to revolutionize the global gaming industry by creating a platform for a brand new class of games that live on the blockchain. Blockchain games completely redefine the relationship between players and developers by facilitating full and true ownership of in-game assets, cheap & safe item trading, cross-game compatibility of items & currency, and more.

Join the community on Twitter, Discord, Telegram, and Facebook.

