Introducing GuildKeeper Program 2.0

Help us grow the BitGuild community and get rewarded for it!

Yorina Wouters
The Notice Board


Have you been looking for a way to make a difference in the crypto community? Do you like to educate others about crypto? Are you always exploring new dApps? Do you like chatting online, especially on GuildChat? Do you have a deep and true passion for BitGuild products, and blockchain in general? Are you full of ideas to improve GuildChat?

That’s a whole lot of questions all at once, but If you answered yes to any of the above, then you just might be the person we’re looking for!

Introducing: GuildKeeper Program 2.0 🚀

Like most of you know by now, Guildchat 2.0 is almost ready to be launched. That’s something that we don’t want to do alone, and who else could better help us than our own community? Together we can make Guildchat 2.0 the best crypto app in the space. For that reason, we’re looking for a complete new group of GuildKeepers.

The GuildKeepers program was successfully launched earlier as a way to create a partnership program between us and some of our community pillars. This comes as a natural progression of our goal to spread our message as far and wide as humanly possible, which will ensure a constant flow of new users to BitGuild and related…

