Introducing the GuildKeeper Program

Help us grow the BitGuild community and get rewarded for it!

The Notice Board
3 min readNov 2, 2018


Have you been looking for a way to make a difference in the crypto community?

Do you already find yourself constantly thinking about crypto and blockchain?

Are you always exploring new dApps?

Do you like chatting online, especially on GuildChat?

Do you have a deep and true passion for BitGuild, and blockchain in general?

That’s a whole lot of questions all at once, but if you answered yes to any of the above, then you just might be the person we’re looking for!

Introducing: The GuildKeeper Program 🚀

Today, we will be rolling out a new kind of partnership program between some of our community pillars and ourselves. This comes as a natural progression of wanting to spread our message as far and wide as humanly possible, which will ensure a constant flow of new users to BitGuild and related products/services.

This, in turn, creates a healthy ecosystem for you, for them, and for us. Everybody wins!

What does a GuildKeeper do? 🛡

As an official BitGuild GuildKeeper, you’d be tasked with:

  • Moderating our official groups on GuildChat by answering questions about app functionality
  • Spreading the word about GuildChat and BitGuild in different community groups within the app and externally
  • Reporting any unusual activity and bugs in groups to the BitGuild team
  • If applicable, helping the team translate documents and posts to different languages

What do GuildKeepers get out of this? 🙇‍

We’re not asking you to do this for free! Here are some of the perks you’ll be getting as a GuildKeeper:

  • Swag: GuildKeepers will receive branded BitGuild related material mailed to them
  • TRX and PLAT: GuildKeepers will be compensated for their work in TRX and PLAT.
  • Early access: All GuildKeepers will be involved in beta testing new products and providing valuable feedback to the team before products are launched.

What do we look for in a GuildKeeper candidate? 🔍

We won’t be offering these positions to just anyone. Before applying, make sure you cover most of these points:

  • Passion and enthusiasm for BitGuild’s mission and products.
  • Proactive and dedicated to helping the community grow.
  • Fluent in English, and (if possible) another language.
  • Displays the right temperament and language-use in groups (be nice!)
  • Active on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc)
  • Of course, active on GuildChat.

Bonus Points:

  • Speaks a non-English language.
  • Already has a thriving community or experience managing online communities.

Does this sound like something you’d like to be a part of? Don’t wait, sign up today!


BitGuild aims to bring blockchain and cryptocurrency adoption to the masses by providing compelling experiences that are easily accessible. Between the official BitGuild portal, our discovery platform for great crypto games, and GuildChat, our decentralized wallet mobile app with an integrated social suite, we’re firing on all cylinders to usher in a new age, changing the way people interact with their digital goods.

Join the community on Twitter, Discord, and Facebook.

