BitGuild Portal Update — Marketplace Preview

A deep dive into the functionality of our marketplace product set to launch in July

Mikhail Larionov
The Notice Board
3 min readJul 13, 2018


We briefly mentioned our marketplace already and work on it is in full swing! As we’re nearing the launch later this month, we’d like to give a complete walkthrough of the feature, as well as give some of the technical details and thoughts on developer support.

User Experience: Seller Flow

There are two main flows: The buyer flow and the seller flow. Let’s start with the seller. Imagine you were playing Ether Online, or our upcoming Bitizens game, and you’ve got an item you don’t need. In the “My Items” section you’ll see a “Sell” button next to this item. Pressing it would open a dialog prompting you to enter a price for this item and put it up for sale on the marketplace.

Listing an item for sale on the BitGuild Marketplace

That would transfer ownership of the item from you to the marketplace with a predefined expiration time. Now, in your items, this item will be displayed in the “On Sale” section where you can either claim it back or renew the expiration time.

My items on sale

User Experience: Buyer Flow

For buyers, we will have a new menu button: Marketplace. Hitting this button would show a list of all game items up for sale.

List of all items

Here you’ll see a list of all the games supported in the Marketplace on the left, with game categories and subcategories as optional filters. You’ll be able to filter items by date added or by price. And of course, you can buy an item after seeing its preview.

Buying an item

Hope you found this preview useful, Guildmates! Below are some questions that we think you might have.


Q: Which tokens does the marketplace support?

A: The marketplace generally supports all ERC721 items, but we curate what tokens we list to make sure we have the best user experience. We will start from the games we build and publish, but are open to relaxing this restriction in the future to allow other ERC721 tokens on the platform. Let us know if you’re interested in using our marketplace for your tokens!

Q: What currencies does the marketplace support?

A: Initially all the items on the marketplace will be sold using PLAT. In some specific cases we may allow Ethereum as the currency but this will be decided on a case-by-case basis.

Q: I’m a game developer, can I use your marketplace on my website?

A: We are open to integrating with game developers on their own surfaces but we would give a strong preference to the developers who developed or published the game with us and brought it to the portal.

If you have any more, feel free leave a comment on this post or reach out via Discord.

BitGuild’s mission is to revolutionize the global gaming industry by creating a platform for a brand new class of games that live on the blockchain. Blockchain games completely redefine the relationship between players and developers by facilitating full and true ownership of in-game assets, cheap & safe item trading, cross-game compatibility of items & currency, and more.

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Mikhail Larionov
The Notice Board

Community Product at Docebo. Previously CEO at PeerBoard (acq by Docebo), Messenger Platform at Fb, Disney Interactive. Austin, Milan and everywhere in between.