Now on BitGuild: Axie Infinity

A look at the latest battle system to join the Guild

The Notice Board
2 min readOct 18, 2018


Announcing the latest game to make it to the BitGuild portal: Axie Infinity!

We’re proud to be bringing one of the most vibrant and colorful blockchain games to our portal for the cryptogaming community to enjoy.

In Axie Infinity, you can collect, train, raise, and battle insanely cuddly looking creatures known as Axies. Each one is unique, with several types and stats to identify an Axie as your very own.

Axie Infinity is graphically stunning, with vibrant colors, strongly contrasting shapes, and the air of innocence, simplicity, and Saturday morning cartoon vibes. Each Axie you come across is going to be completely different from any other, and it’s a never-ending delight to discover new ones.

Additionally, this game features what just might be the most intricate and satisfying creature combat system we’ve seen in the cryptogaming space to date, evoking pleasant memories of a certain collectible pocket monster phenomenon from Japan.

Start playing Axie Infinity on the portal today!

BitGuild aims to bring blockchain and cryptocurrency adoption to the masses by providing compelling experiences that are easily accessible. Between the official BitGuild portal, our discovery platform for great crypto games, and GuildChat, our decentralized wallet mobile app with an integrated social suite, we’re firing on all cylinders to usher in a new age, changing the way people interact with their digital goods.

