State of the Guild #12

The Notice Board
Published in
2 min readJul 12, 2019

GuildChat development updates, GuildWallet new version update, and new tokens on TronTrade

Welcome to the latest State of the Guild, where we share all the most recent news about BitGuild’s current and future projects. This week we have some updates on GuildChat’s development, GuildWallet’s update, and new tokens on TronTrade. Let’s get into it.


This week we are finishing the Sprint #4 of development. All main features are mostly completed, and currently under Quality Assurance.

A new Creative Director and a new UI specialist have joined the team mid-June and proposed a few changes in the Sign-up and Login page, which are currently under review. Other small adjustments to the UI are also being made, and expected to be finished by end of next week.

Next week we start Sprint #5, and this will include:

  • Data Log & Business database
  • OSS: backend tool for app management
  • Finish fixing all the bugs encountered on Sprint #4
  • User Interface Light version
  • Language: the initial build of GuildChat V2 will offer English and Chinese, with the remaining languages being added to the next version (Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Japanese, Russian and Korean).


We have not received a feedback from Google regarding our latest version of GuildWallet yet, and due to some issues with the previous update, the extension was removed from the Chrome Store. We apologize to all users who are trying to download it, however until Google approves our submission, the extension is not available. We will announce in all our channels once GuildWallet is once again downloadable.


As hinted last week, we are working on the listing of new tokens on TronTrade. At the moment, we are running the necessary tests to the contract codes and working with the teams on getting trading events and rewards set up for our community.

We have also completed a Smart Contract update for TronTrade, which mainly includes:

  • Arbitrary trading currency pairs.
  • Add market maker list, refund the discount at the time of trade matching.
  • Move referrals to backend for more flexible management
  • Optimize the code to decrease energy usage.

That’s it for this week’s State of the Guild. Come back here next week for a new round of updates and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter for the latest news!

BitGuild aims to bring blockchain and cryptocurrency adoption to the masses by providing compelling experiences that are easily accessible. Between GuildChat, our crypto social app, GuildWallet, the most user-friendly browser extension wallet, and TronTrade, our decentralized exchange, we’re firing on all cylinders to usher in a new age, changing the way people interact with their digital goods.

