State of the Guild #17

The Notice Board
Published in
3 min readAug 16, 2019


GuildChat development status, GuildWallet patch, and TronTrade volume milestones

Welcome to the latest edition of State of the Guild, your weekly roundup of updates straight from BitGuild HQ. This week we catch up on the state of development for GuildChat’s new version, as well as a newly available GuildWallet patch. We also celebrate the success of TronTrade — the #1 DEX on the market.


As we approach the final stages of development for GuildChat’s new version, our team has been working hard on fixing the remaining functional bugs in the Chat module, optimizing user interaction, fixing stringkeys, and adjusting UI integration. The QA team mainly tested the fixed bugs, focusing on Chat, Bank, and Coin Pouch modules. The performance test has already started, and it’s set to be done by August 16.

Our QA team has provided key feedback to the development team on the latest builds. In the last few days, they encountered 197 issues, and 160 of them, as of August 13, had been diagnosed and fixed. Some of the issues still to be addressed include: :

  • Image and video features in the Chat module need to be improved;
  • Optimizations under weak network need to be made in the next builds.

Sprint #7 is the next step of development, during which the QA team will check all the modules and complete the Private Beta build by August 17, as well as perform all the pressure tests in the meantime. The Private Beta build will be provided to the team responsible for testing it over the next couple weeks, making sure the app is suitable for the Public Beta phase, which is scheduled to start in the first week of September.

In the next few days, we will be releasing the details of the Bug Bounty Program, where users in our Public Beta version will be able to report bugs found in the app and be rewarded according to their severity. We will also have a program to reward users for their feedback and suggestions, so make sure to stay tuned for upcoming announcements.


We are beyond thankful to all our users for the amazing performance TronTrade has had in the past week. With the addition of WINk, we were able to once again break the threshold of 1 million USD in daily volume, and consolidate ourselves, once and for all, and the #1 DEX on TRON, as well as one of the Top 10 dApps across all blockchains.

Thank you to all the traders who have chosen TronTrade as their decentralized exchange of choice. We are working hard to bring you more features and add-ons to make your trading experience even better.


A new version of GuildWallet is now available. As announced last week, this version’s updates include:

  • Auto-sign bug fixed;
  • WINk token added;
  • Wallet number character limitation fixed;
  • Minor bug fixes and user experience improvements.

Download the latest version and find out why GuildWallet is the sleekest and most user-friendly crypto wallet extension on the market.

And that’s the news! For live updates and other fun stuff, be sure to follow us on Twitter. And don’t forget to come back next week for a fresh round of news and announcements.

BitGuild aims to bring blockchain and cryptocurrency adoption to the masses by providing compelling experiences that are easily accessible. BetweenGuildChat, our crypto social app, GuildWallet, the most user-friendly browser extension wallet, and TronTrade, our decentralized exchange, we’re firing on all cylinders to usher in a new age, changing the way people interact with their digital goods.

