State of the Guild #20

The Notice Board
Published in
3 min readSep 6, 2019

GuildChat development, TronTrade events, and PLAT burn news

Welcome to State of the Guild, our weekly roundup of news and updates from all BitGuild properties. This week we have the latest developments from GuildChat ahead of its new version launch. You’ll also read about current TronTrade events and the most recent PLAT burn. Let’s get into it.


The new version of GuildChat is getting closer to its public beta release, and our engineers have been working hard this week on fixing the issues identified in the first and second build of the private beta versions. This past week, our development team focused on the following issues:

  • Fixed functional bugs and optimized UI & UX, including 60 of 69 issues the marketing team raised.
  • Fixed the issues caused by merging architecture refactoring code.
  • Released an updated beta version.
  • 124 new issues were created and 104 issues were resolved.
  • Completed development of the account and finance systems (withdrawals and recharge backend).

This upcoming week, the team will be working on the feedback and issues raised in the latest private beta version, as well as:

  • Optimizing the loading time for messages
  • Customizing the control of photo selection
  • Optimizing APIs for friends and contacts
  • Management of Sensitive Words/Profanity
  • Adding PLAT and WINK in the Market
  • Various small fixes and improvements

The launch plan remains unchanged and we’re on track to submit GuildChat 2.0 to the App Store by the end of September, as no major issues have been identified so far that would hinder the schedule.


This week, the TronTrade team has been working on wrapping up the reward distribution for the Topia event. Afterward we’ll start distributing the rewards for the Diamonds event. These two events have been highly successful, with great participation from our community and TronTopia holders. We still have two ongoing trading events, so make sure to head over to TronTrade and don’t miss out on the chance to receive some sweet rewards as you trade.


On September 2, we had another round of PLAT burn, keeping in tune with our commitment to use the token as a measure of BitGuild’s success. This time, 40 million PLAT was burned, and in total now, we have burned 355 million TRC PLAT. With the upcoming GuildChat version and new features coming to TronTrade soon, these numbers are sure to rise and make PLAT a must-have token for any crypto enthusiast.

Those are all the news we have for you this week, but be sure to stay updated by following us on Twitter and Telegram. See you next Friday!

BitGuild aims to bring blockchain and cryptocurrency adoption to the masses by providing compelling experiences that are easily accessible. BetweenGuildChat, our crypto social app, GuildWallet, the most user-friendly browser extension wallet, and TronTrade, our decentralized exchange, we’re firing on all cylinders to usher in a new age, changing the way people interact with their digital goods.

