State of the Guild #29

The Notice Board
Published in
3 min readNov 15, 2019

GuildChat 2.0 development updates, introducing the Platform Team, and TronTrade assorted news

Welcome to the latest edition of State of the Guild, our weekly blog post where we fill you in on everything that’s been happening at BitGuild. This week, we are ramping up development for the official launch of GuildChat 2.0, introduce a brand new development team, and finish up some TronTrade events. Let’s get into it.


Last week, we released an update that addressed some of the issues reported by our community. This Monday, November 11, we started collecting feedback on the new update to make sure all functions of the app are running as intended. On the development side, we are now working towards the launch of the official version, due within the next few weeks. In these last stages, we are focusing on:

  • Finalizing the UI and the switch for light theme
  • Adding translations and crypto newsfeed in other languages (initially mandarin, with five more languages coming next)
  • Working on performance optimization of coin drops as well as image and video loading.

We would like to remind our community that we are still distributing rewards in exchange for feedback and suggestions to improve GuildChat. Download it now if you haven’t yet, and help us build the best crypto app!

Download for iOS

Download for Android

Platform Development

It’s been clear to us that, in order for our products to grow and help the crypto space become simpler and easier to navigate, we need to expand our offerings to support more chains. Cross-chain operations are becoming a more common reality. Expanding all BitGuild applications to integrate more blockchains will bring in new communities, more projects, and further innovation.

With that in mind, we would like to introduce the Platform Development team. This team is composed of engineers that have joined BitGuild in the last few months and have experience creating applications that run on Ethereum, Bitcoin, and EOS. Now, they will be helping BitGuild integrate these and other chains to GuildChat, TronTrade, and GuildWallet.

Over the next weeks, we will be updating our community on the progress of this new endeavour, but we also want to hear from you. Are you interested in cross-chain applications? Which chain would you like to see integrated on BitGuild products?


Besides working closely with the Platform team in the initial stages of development to support more chains, the TronTrade team has completed the distribution of rewards for the BeatzCoin and PlatBoom trading events. We have also delisted a few tokens that haven’t had any volume for the past few weeks.

Our team is also currently analyzing a few potential new listings and working with GuildChat developers on new campaigns, details of which will be announced soon.

And that’s a wrap for this week! Come back next Friday for more news fresh off the presses, and don’t forget to follow our Telegram and Twitter accounts for real-time updates.

BitGuild aims to bring blockchain and cryptocurrency adoption to the masses by providing compelling experiences that are easily accessible. BetweenGuildChat, our crypto social app, GuildWallet, the most user-friendly browser extension wallet, and TronTrade, our decentralized exchange, we’re firing on all cylinders to usher in a new age, changing the way people interact with their digital goods.

