State of the Guild #30

The Notice Board
Published in
2 min readNov 22, 2019

New GuildChat update and TronTrade tidings

Welcome to the latest State of the Guild, our weekly roundup of news from the BitGuild world. This week we have a new GuildChat update and news on TronTrade development. Let’s dig in.


This week, our GuildChat team worked on a new update that will address some of the feedback received from the community. We have also scheduled the development of the upcoming version, which will include some of the new features requested by our users.

The new update was released on Android and submitted to the iTunes App Store on November 22, and it covers:

1. Day mode option added.

2. Search bar for tokens in coin drops and wallets added.

3. Optimized browser experience.

4. Several minor bugs fixed.

This version is still in beta testing, as we are still working on optimizing key features and making sure the app is ready for a larger influx of users when the official version is released.

You can still help us make GuildChat the best crypto app it can be by taking part in our Bug Bounty Program and/or filling a questionnaire that will help us better understand how the app is performing across different regions and devices.


The TronTrade team has been working closely with the Platform Development team this week on a new version of the trading platform, which will include more chains and the ability for us to expand beyond the Tron ecosystem. This process will take several weeks, and we’ll be updating the community of the progress in upcoming State of the Guild posts.

That is all for this week! Make sure to follow us on Twitter and Telegram and check back in next Friday for a fresh round of news.

BitGuild aims to bring blockchain and cryptocurrency adoption to the masses by providing compelling experiences that are easily accessible. BetweenGuildChat, our crypto social app, GuildWallet, the most user-friendly browser extension wallet, and TronTrade, our decentralized exchange, we’re firing on all cylinders to usher in a new age, changing the way people interact with their digital goods.

