State of the Guild #33

The Notice Board
Published in
4 min readDec 13, 2019

GuildChat development updates, Platform Infrastructure news, and TronTrade events

Welcome to the State of the Guild, our weekly rundown of news from the BitGuild universe. This week, we have quite a few updates regarding upcoming GuildChat versions, news on multi-chain wallet development progress, and holiday events on TronTrade. Let’s check it out.


The GuildChat team spent the past week working on the upcoming version, to be launched before Christmas. Most tasks have been submitted to test, and are well underway and expected to meet the deadline. As we informed last week, the main features in this version will be language packs (French, Spanish and Korean first, then Portuguese, Russian, Japanese and German), multiple optimizations to Chat and Market, new browser functions, and more.

In addition to completing the development of this update, we have also held internal meetings to discuss the next steps for GuildChat. Among the feedback we’ve received from the community, two things were pointed out as the most critical for the long-term success of the app: larger groups and discoverability. Considering how crypto projects rely on having large communities to spread awareness and gain adopters, our current member capacity has become an issue for some of the groups currently on GuildChat. It is also a problem for those projects that want to bring in their community to leverage all the built-in crypto functions we have, but need to support bigger groups. The second point, discoverability, is something we are aware of. GuildChat was designed as a closed social app, where you need to add friends and then find groups, which makes a bit hard for newcomers to become engaged enough to stay in the app.

Given the feedback received, we are now working to address these two concerns:

  • Bigger groups: We are starting to build our own Chat structure, which will allow us to support large groups and communities. The exact amount of members per group will be announced soon, but let’s just say we will be able to host thousands and thousands of crypto enthusiasts in one place. This change will make it more engaging for communities and easier for crypto projects to manage and moderate. Since this is a massive task, we expect the entire development to take about four months, so we are looking at a mid-April release date.
  • Discoverability: we are developing new Public Groups, which will be available in a new version released at the end of January. Users will be able to search for projects and groups of interest, creating a more engaging and active platform.

Also in the pipeline for GuildChat are some highly requested features such as encrypted messages, desktop version, multi-chain wallet support, and lots more. We are excited to be approaching the end of the year with a clear path for 2020, and we count on the support of the community and BitGuild partners to make GuildChat the app it was envisioned to be.

Platform Infrastructure

The Platform Infrastructure team is focused on developing the new GuildWallet multi-chain support. The first version will be submitted for testing by December 24, and 35% of all pages are currently completed. Parallelly, the team is also working with GuildChat development to integrate the new blockchain SDK to the app, creating a multi-chain wallet support. For users, it’ll mean the ability to store and manage BitCoin and BCH initially, later adding EOS and other chains.


To celebrate a very successful year for TronTrade, we will be hosting several trading events in December. With the help of our partners, who have been integral in making us the number one decentralized exchange on the market, the events will be rewarding top traders in TRX and some of the best tokens offered in the platform.

BEATZCOIN End of Year Trading Event

Rewards: 250.000 BTZC + 10k TRX

Start Date: 12/10,00:00am UTC

End Date: 12/17, 23:59am UTC

888 End of Year Trading Event

Rewards: 60k TRX + 650 888token

Start Date: 12/17,00:00am UTC

End Date: 12/24, 23:59am UTC

Head over to TronTrade now and start trading these tokens to secure these holiday rewards, and be sure to look out for Telegram and Twitter announcements, as more events are coming soon!

That is all for this week but don’t forget to come back next Friday when we’ll have a fresh batch of updates for you. And, as always, keep an eye on our Twitter and Telegram for any last-minute news!

BitGuild aims to bring blockchain and cryptocurrency adoption to the masses by providing compelling experiences that are easily accessible. BetweenGuildChat, our crypto social app, GuildWallet, the most user-friendly browser extension wallet, and TronTrade, our decentralized exchange, we’re firing on all cylinders to usher in a new age, changing the way people interact with their digital goods.

