State of the Guild #51

The Notice Board
Published in
2 min readMay 18, 2020

GuildChat desktop version development, TronTrade events, and new SOTG schedule

Welcome to the latest edition of State of the Guild, where we get you up to speed with all that’s been going on at BitGuild. As you may have noticed, there was no State of the Guild last Friday. That is because we are moving to a bi-weekly schedule in order to bring you more juicy tidbits in each edition. With that in mind, let’s dig in.


The team is currently focused on the development of the upcoming desktop version. In the past few days, the following tasks were completed:

  • Settings: Account, version, and languages
  • Contact: Contact profile page
  • Session List: Create a chat session, manage, and sort session list
  • Chat: message layout

The team also provided an updated demo to display the UI and basic features, as well as integrated the SDK.

Over the next few days, the team will develop the following modules:

  • Group: Group profile page, display/add group members
  • Chat: Text, send images, select messages
  • Chat: Share group, share contacts


Lots of fun things happening on TronTrade! On May 9, we listed SOUL, a multi-chain token used for playing games on ChainzArena. You can head over to TronTrade now to start trading SOUL, and look out for awesome competitions to be announced soon.

Speaking of competitions, this week we distributed the rewards for the EVO trading event and launched the Bankroll Flash trading event. To participate, simply trade BNKR and get rewarded while doing so. The Top 50 traders (buys & sells) will share a pool with 20,000 BNKR in rewards. The event ends on May 18.

That is all for this week! We hope that you continue enjoying all BitGuild products and look forward to seeing you back here in two weeks for the next round of news and updates! As always, make sure you follow us on Twitter and Telegram so you don’t miss anything in the meantime.

BitGuild aims to bring blockchain and cryptocurrency adoption to the masses by providing compelling experiences that are easily accessible. Between GuildChat, our crypto social app, GuildWallet, the most user-friendly browser extension wallet, and TronTrade, our decentralized exchange, we’re firing on all cylinders to usher in a new age, changing the way people interact with their digital goods.

