Upcoming Features in Bitropolis

A quick update on Bitizen’s development progress

Curtis Chiu
The Notice Board
3 min readOct 29, 2018


Greetings, Guildmates!

In the design team’s last update, we spoke about an upcoming mini-game. We’re excited to share more details with you regarding how it works, as well as give you a little insight into what we’ve got planned next.

Let’s go fishing!

In case you haven’t noticed yet, there’s an old TV in the corner of your Bitropolis pad. Once you click it, you’ll receive a special in-game drone delivery, bringing you a very special new VR headset. With this fancy new device, you can take a trip down memory lane, transporting yourself into a virtual retro arcade!

This is where you’ll find the new Fishing mini-game, where you can chill out and just catch fish, or get serious and compete on the leaderboards for special item prizes and PLAT! We’ve even got a special promotion going on this week. Anyone who plays the Fishing mini-game between now and October 28th at 23:59 PST will be gifted a special Halloween mask for their Bitizen! Don’t miss you, give your Bitizen a break with this fun distraction.

Browser compatibility issues — resolved!

This week we encountered a browser compatibility problem, first brought up by our community members in our Discord channel. Players using a Firefox browser were not able to click the fishing area. After some research from our engineers, we noticed Firefox handles mouse event a little bit differently than most other browsers. (If you are curious about the technical details, the issue was caused because Chrome put the event in the global object window, whereas Firefox does not.). We will keep an eye on browser compatibility issues in the future to avoid this kind of snag.

Conjuring up some expeditions.

The art team is working hard on the map design for our expeditions, a feature we’ve previously referred to as mining. By offering several diverse locations, and crafting them with care, we are creating a wonderful world for Bitizens to explore. After discussing with our artists, we’ve settled on some low-poly concept environments that really fit well into the world we’ve already established.

Space-themed sketch for an expedition location
More Expeditions concept-art

That’s all the news we’ve got for you this time. We can’t quite tell you when expeditions are coming just yet, but rest assured — it’s on the way. Stay tuned right here, as we continue bringing you updates on everything Bitizens and BitGuild.

BitGuild aims to bring blockchain and cryptocurrency adoption to the masses by providing compelling experiences that are easily accessible. Between the official BitGuild portal, our discovery platform for great crypto games, and GuildChat, our decentralized wallet mobile app with an integrated social suite, we’re firing on all cylinders to usher in a new age, changing the way people interact with their digital goods.

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