Thoughts on TRON

Why BitGuild chose to run for TRON Super Representative candidacy

The Notice Board
4 min readSep 22, 2018


A little more than two days ago, we announced our candidacy for TRON super representative status. Needless to say, this came as a bit of a surprise to some of our community members, considering we completed our token sale on Ethereum and have been developing and publishing Ethereum-based games on our gaming portal for the past several months. In addition, TRON’s status within the crypto world has always been controversial, and, in some cases, for good reason.

As I have mentioned within our community as well as at speeches, panels, and meetups, BitGuild truly believes in the power of blockchain and cryptocurrencies to change the world. We absolutely freaking love the industry we work in, and blockchain has pushed all of us as individuals to expand our thinking, learn new subjects (economics, game theory, monetary history, philosophy, etc.), and become better people.

That being said, the cryptocurrency market in its current state is a bit of a mess. Dozens of projects launch every day, with grand visions illustrated in beautiful whitepapers. Unfortunately, I can count on two hands the number of crypto projects out there who have successfully executed on their visions or even launched a product. And, to be perfectly honest, during bull markets like we saw in late 2017 and early 2018, it made more sense to focus on marketing and PR then it did on product development. In fact, I’d even argue that the worst thing you could have done during the bull market would be to launch a product. When 3-to-6-month old companies are being valued in the billions of dollars, any product you launch is hard to live up to the expectations of token holders, and, even for the best projects, investors were clearly buying the rumors and announcements, and selling the news.

BitGuild’s mission is to build the application layer of the blockchain. We aim to utilize blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, and crypto-based incentive mechanisms to create real products that solve real-world problems. We have made a conscious choice to leave the job of increasing the security and efficiency of base-layer protocols to the experts. At BitGuild, our job is to introduce cryptocurrencies to as great of an audience as possible; we want to get new users in the door. We see gaming and entertainment as one of the best possible on-ramps to bring in those new users.

There are a lot of things that need to happen for us to be able to execute on this vision. Blockchain, in its current form, is ridiculously difficult for the average Joe to understand, and cryptocurrencies incredibly hard to use. While those of us in the industry may think it is no big deal to lock up a 64-digit string of random letters and numbers in a safe, send money to others by copying and pasting a 32-digit string, going through KYC to buy, sell, and trade on exchanges, swap one token for another, and oh, by the way, not screw up during this whole process, the fact of the matter is that this experience sucks and we are not doing ourselves any favors when it comes to gaining adoption. At BitGuild, we aim to solve some of these problems.

When it comes to being focused on adoption, we see TRON as a very strong candidate for making that happen. While we have always viewed the TRON community as one of the strongest in the industry, we are now also seeing execution on the technical side of that. The ease of use of the TRON main chain compared to its competitors, the ability for developers to stake resources on end-users’ behalf, the ‘younger,’ ‘cooler’ usage of terminology such as TRON POWER, ENERGY, and BANDWIDTH to represent more technically-complicated concepts, the fun, gamified usage and trading of TRC10 tokens, and of course, fantastic projects built by the community such as TronScan and GoSeedIt all have influenced our decision to become a TRON super representative.

TRON still has a long way to go, but we at BitGuild are committed to doing our part to help push the blockchain forward. The amount of community and DAPP developers working with TRON still pales in comparison to EOS and Ethereum. With the next major update to the TRON blockchain pushing smart contract functionality to the main net, we expect to see a lot of new interest and a flourishing development community.

We once again want to thank our Guildmates for all of your support, and for making us a top-ranked super representative in only a few short days. Stay tuned for some really cool stuff over the next couple of weeks.

BitGuild’s mission is to revolutionize the global gaming industry by creating a platform for a brand new class of games that live on the blockchain. Blockchain games completely redefine the relationship between players and developers by facilitating full and true ownership of in-game assets, cheap & safe item trading, cross-game compatibility of items & currency, and more.

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The Notice Board

Founder of #BitGuild, previously #Livestar, #R2Games. Forbes China 30 under 30. Hupan University. 10+ years in Asia. Gaming / blockchain / crypto.