Chapter 1 — The Brooklyn Bagel Run

John Vaghi
The Novel Run
Published in
2 min readApr 22, 2018

The best Brooklyn bagel one can’t actually find in Brooklyn.

The Run

From Court Square to Brooklyn Bagel & Coffee Co. via Queensborough Bridge, East River walk, Ward’s Island Bridge, Randall’s Island, RFK Bridge, 38th to Broadway.

Distance: 8–8.5 miles / 380ft elevation gain

I guess just try to avoid the bridge when it’s like this…

Best part: Something about the aesthetic of the Ward’s Island Bridge really lifts the spirits as it eases you into the relatively car-free oasis of Randall’s Island.

Trickiest part: The RFK Bridge has some pretty precarious staircases on the Queens-side pedestrian path. I ran this route in the winter slush and had to navigate both the stairs and basically an 8ft long puddle (which I unsuccessfully attempted to long jump) with a significant degree of care.

This all comes pretty late in the run after some bridge elevation while only being separated from all the RFK traffic by an ugly cement barrier…really the only thing keeping you going at this point is the mile or so you have left.

Best bathroom opportunity: Around mile 3.5, Carl Schurz Park at 84th has a pretty serviceable bathroom you can duck into quick right off the John Finley Walk.

Bonus Points: Jumping into Central Park instead and crossing over to Ward’s at 102nd will give you about 10 miles total.

The Food

Brooklyn Bagel & Coffee Co. is fine. It’s popular and representative of a solid NYC bagel and someday I’ll do the basic due diligence required to ascertain why the Brooklyn Bagels only exist in Queens (irony?). Get there early to avoid the line OR run another couple of blocks down to New York City Bagel & Coffee House where the bagels are slightly bigger and the crowds are slightly fewer.

Order: Pumpernickel with fresh lox, tomato, and onion — not toasted. Coffee and water. Orange juice to go.

Amenities: Seating is pretty ample and there is nothing wrong with being a sweaty runner here. Assuming this is the finale of you weekend AM long run, most of the other patrons will be bedraggled and half-dead and you’ll be the envy of everyone there.

Hours: Mon-Sun: 6:00AM — 4:30PM

The Return

Nearest subway: N/W at Broadway is ~ 4 blocks West (although I believe it is currently closed for construction, in which case you’ll have to cool down up to the 30th Ave N/W or hit up the M/R at 46th).

Conclusion: A pretty novel run, but one I’ll never do again. Next chapter.

