How Overturning Roe v. Wade Will Impact Women, Men and Democracy Worldwide

This isn’t just an American problem

Katie Jgln
The Noösphere


Photo from AdobeStock

Last week, five justices of the United States Supreme Court — including two alleged sex offenders — made a decision that sent chills through the entire world.

They overturned Roe v. Wade, ending the nationwide right to an abortion. However, in the same week, they’ve also struck down reasonable efforts by states to prevent gun violence.

Of course.

Logic has never been Republicans’ strongest asset.

Because if it was, they wouldn’t force women and children to give birth in a country that doesn’t even have maternity leave or universal healthcare while simultaneously allowing swarms of unhinged terrorists to purchase guns and shoot school kids every other week; you know?

But they did.

And now, millions of women and people with uteruses will be treated as second-class citizens in their own country. They will have to compromise with the forces that keep them unequal. And will be unavoidably bound to lives that are smaller, more desperate and more brutal.

Simply on account of being born female.

