5 Tips To Make Your Application Stand Out

Ekele Jinanwa
The Nsonye Blog
Published in
4 min readJun 13, 2023

Nsonye’s fourth technical bootcamp is about to commence with open applications and for the first time, we’ll be giving you a glance into what you should prioritize in your responses. In the past, we’ve allowed participants to duke it out without guidance or interference from us. But this time, we’d love to see even more excellent applications this time and we’re willing to give you some guidance.

Without further ado, let’s get into it…

Start Your Application Early

When the application form comes out, you’ll have a little over a week to get your responses in. Don’t be tempted to procrastinate on your application even if you’ve always coasted through with last-minute applications. Why are we harping on this? Procrastinating your application puts you in a tight spot — you either submit rushed answers or you feel overwhelmed and forgo applying altogether.

Starting your application early has its advantages. You have enough time to think about and answer the questions in a way that puts you at an advantage. But, more importantly, you have a higher chance of actually completing and submitting your application. And let’s not forget the chance to edit and review your responses.

Understand The Questions First

This caption brings back memories of my teachers singing this instruction every morning of an exam. And they were right because reading and understanding the questions still remains one of the core tips to answering right. In this Bootcamp application, it definitely is because some questions are dual in nature and require you to give more than one type of information. If you don’t understand this, then you’ll likely not provide all the right answers.

And that’s your second tip — read the questions to understand what the answer requires.

Prioritize Clarity In Your Answers

Now that you understand the questions, it’s time to answer them. You have only two concerns when answering our questions — giving the right answers and being clear in your answers. When answering, ask yourself if your answer is providing the information required, and if it is clear at first read to whoever is reviewing your response.

With the volume of responses that we’ll get, reviewers will be looking for responses that are clear and answer the question correctly. So, clarity and accuracy will make your application stand out.

Go Back To The Questions and Any Special Instructions

I’ve found that sometimes, despite how careful you are, you could miss important things in your response. So, a second review of the questions helps to eliminate this issue. Also, some questions have character limits and other special instructions on answering which you may have missed. A second review of the questions ensures you’re on the right track and have made no mistakes.

Review and Edit Your Responses Before Submitting

When you’re sure of your responses, do a final review and edit. Look for grammatical errors and resolve them. While your grammar isn’t what’s to be reviewed, a grammatical-error-free application gives you an edge over other applicants who weren’t as meticulous.

When you’re sure all ‘Ts’ are crossed and ‘Is’ are dotted, submit your responses on time. Don’t be tempted to submit at a later date even when your responses are filled. This is because sometimes, if the volume of respondents passes a pre-set benchmark, Nsonye might decide to close applications earlier than planned.

Congratulations on choosing to empower yourself by applying to Nsonye’s fourth technical Bootcamp. We’re excited for you and look forward to working with you. Good luck with your applications and keep your eyes glued to our social media pages to know when decision letters would be out. If you can’t find the application form, apply here.

BONUS TIP: We’ve answered the question on choosing a stack in one of our articles. Find the answer in the FAQ section.

Nsonye is a non-profit organization working to bridge the tech-gender gap that exists in the tech industry. We do this through our unique model of training via our upskilling programs, mentoring through our one-on-one mentorship sessions, and building resilient communities that encourage women and girls to thrive within tech.

Interested in what we do? Send us an email today at hello@nsonye.org or donate to further our impact.

Are you looking for a #womenintech community to grow in and get exposed to opportunities to get started within tech? Then join us on our Slack channel here.

Kindly follow us on Social media for more content relating to bridging the gender gap in tech and general tech tips.



Ekele Jinanwa
The Nsonye Blog

Sin-eater but for emotions. I digest human emotions and regurgitate touching essays and poems.