How to deal with information overload on your Tech Learning Journey

Nsonye - Bridging the Tech Gender-gap
The Nsonye Blog
Published in
3 min readApr 4, 2023
Overcoming Information overload

Getting started in Tech can be quite overwhelming! Mostly because of the crazy amount of information available to consume, and little guidance on how to filter them to get what works for you. In fact, for many newbies, this information overload slows down their learning process, making them take a longer time to achieve certain milestones in their learning journeys.

However, you can go beyond this challenge and have a concise and productive learning journey. The tips in this short blog would make it easier for you, and provide the needed guidance on where to start!

Tips to get you started on the right path
These tips are curated from our experiences training over 250 women and girls in high-end technical skills relevant to the tech industry, and our recently concluded Peer accountability program within our community. They have proved helpful, and we hope they have the same effect on you. So, let’s dive in!

1. Define a learning path
This is the very first step in filtering whatever information you have. Having a clear understanding of the learning path you want to take allows you to keep off resources not related to your specific interests, and allows you to focus on what is most important. This slim fit the amount of information you have, trickling it down to the necessary and very important things. There are so many ways you can define this, and in subsequent articles, we will be addressing that. So, be on the lookout!

2. Ask questions
There are a lot of people who have passed this phase and probably used the same learning path as you. Ask relevant questions and they can guide you to platforms you can access wholesome resources from. They would point you in the right direction and even provide some resources they have. This overall, makes it easier for you.

You really do not have to go through it, when someone has, just learn from their experiences.

3. Tech is skills-based, focusing on resources that help build your skills should be your goal.
As much as possible, look out for resources that are project-based, and that allow you to practice as you learn. This ensures you build your skills as you understand the different concepts in your fields of interest. You should always remember that the Tech industry is a skill-based one, and as such you should live up to that.

4. Join a community and engage with peers.
Learning alone may seem easier, but having a close group that supports and provides you with timely information gives you a wider perception of concepts and could be a source of resources and information. Join communities that are closely tied to your learning goals, they are a good source of well-curated resources, and you could take advantage of that. Also, the peer learning system is a great support system, helping you stay on your defined path, and guiding your learning journey overall.

Nsonye is a non-profit organization working to bridge the tech-gender gap that exists in the tech industry. We do this through our unique model of training via our upskilling programs, mentoring through our one-on-one mentorship sessions, and building resilient communities that encourage women and girls to thrive within tech.

Interested in what we do? Send us an email today to donate or further our impact at

Are you looking for a #womenintech community to grow in and get exposed to opportunities to get started within tech? Then join us on our slack channel here.

Kindly follow us on Social media for more content relating to bridging the gender gap in tech and general tech tips.



Nsonye - Bridging the Tech Gender-gap
The Nsonye Blog

We are a social impact organization bridging the gender-gap in the tech industry for African Women/Girls through community building and upskilling programs.