nTitle Progress Update: 13 April

The nTitle Network
Published in
2 min readApr 13, 2018

Time flies when you’re busy and it’s already time for our second progress update! We’re excited to share all the details about what’s been happening for nTitle in the past two weeks. If you’re interested in following our progress more closely, join us on Telegram, Discord or Twitter.

Exciting announcements for nTitle including a huge new partnership!

  • We’re proud to announce our newly formed partnership with Utomik, a publisher of AAA Classics, indie, casual, retro, adventure and kids games. More information to come!
  • nTitle has just introduced the Independent Game Developer Fund (IGDF) 2018 to help game developers integrate blockchain technology into their games to help them get — and stay — financially independent. (learn more)

nTitle is attending key events in the Blockchain industry

  • Our CEO, Peter van Grinsven will be pitching to investors this Saturday in Utrecht, the Netherlands at Crypto Academy’s ICO Seminar along with other up and coming Dutch and international companies.
  • We’re excited to announce our participation at the 2018 Global Blockchain Expo in London taking place on 18th-19th of April for over 20,000 blockchain enthusiasts and investors. We will be holding a booth (#227) and introduce nTitle to investors during our pitch (Day 2 at 2pm).

Our dev team has reached important milestones concerning our SDK’s and marketplace demo.

  • We’re working to enable game developers to access their game licenses stored on the blockchain directly from their game. We have an SDK drafted and we’re now building a proof-of-concept that will show how easily and seamlessly a game developer can integrate our SDK with one of the most advanced game engines in the world — the unreal engine (unrealengine.com).
  • We are moving forward with the development of our digital asset marketplace — a place where developers can trustlessly sell licenses to their games which then can be resold between gamers based on advanced licensing terms. Our demo will be launching soon, stay tuned for the very first transaction on the Ropsten test network!

And for those who speak Dutch:

  • A great feature article on nTitle has been published in Bitcoin Magazine
  • Watch this full webinar with our CEO Peter van Grinsven via CryptoAcademyNL

Want more information? Check out our website, download our whitepaper and join our whitelist.

Ready to join the conversation? You can find us on all your favourite social channels:

Twitter - Telegram - Discord - Facebook - LinkedIn

Missed our previous update? Catch up now:

nTitle Update — 30 March 2018



The nTitle Network

nTitle revolutionizes the gaming industry by removing the restrictions imposed by third party marketplaces and gives game developers and gamers back their power