Afghanistan: 9/11 to Evacuation, Everything You Didn’t Know

Gerry Nutini
The Nu Deal
Published in
3 min readAug 25, 2021

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By Gerry Nutini

United States, Afghanistan and NATO flags flyign side by side

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The situation in Afghanistan is a chaotic one, and while the evacuation from Kabul has been at the forefront, conversations about where to place blame have also prevailed. It is easy with Afghanistan to only focus on this singular moment, but this has been a 20-year war across 4 presidencies. This episode starts with 9/11 and looks at each phase of the conflict and all the players — The US, the Taliban, Bin Laden, the Afghan Government, and the roles each US President played in their terms.

There’s very likely information in this episode you didn’t know. My hope is to highlight the complexity of this situation and how even though the events we see today are no one’s fault, they are also everyone’s fault.

Show Notes


Politifact — Posts correct about Trump administration’s role in releasing key Taliban leader

New York Times — Biden to Address Taliban and Afghanistan Crisis: Live Updates

New York Times — Protests Spread to Kabul as Taliban Struggle to Govern

Wiki — Declaration of war by the United States — Wikipedia

Wiki — Authorization for Use of Military Force of 2001 — Wikipedia

FactCheck — Timeline of US Withdrawal from Afghanistan

WAPO — Analysis | Trump officials scramble for distance from his Taliban deal

AP — Was Biden handcuffed by Trump’s Taliban deal in Doha?

AP — Mullah’s rise charts Taliban’s long road back to power

The Guardian — Taliban’s Abdul Ghani Baradar is undisputed victor of a 20-year war

Politifact — Posts correct about Trump administration’s role in releasing key Taliban leader

Full Speech: President Biden Addresses Nation On Afghanistan

Pentagon’s top officials hold news conference on Afghanistan

WATCH: Pentagon holds news conference on Afghanistan

Wiki — Ashraf Ghani — Wikipedia

NYT — How the Taliban Conquered Afghanistan

NYT — The New York Times Taliban Capture Zaranj, an Afghanistan Provincial Capital, in a Symbolic Victory

NYT — 4 Takeaways From the US Deal With the Taliban

NYT — The New York Times Why the Afghan Military Collapsed So Quickly

NYT — The Taliban Close In on Afghan Cities, Pushing the Country to the Brink

NYT — Ex-President of Afghanistan Makes a Hasty Escape

NYT — Miscue after miscue, US exit plan unravels | World News

WAPO — The Washington Post Trump’s deal with the Taliban, explained


NYT — Covid-19, Booster Shots and Delta Variant: Live Updates

NYT — Covid News: Three U.S. Senators Test Positive for Virus


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Image Credit US Air Force Tech Sgt. Samara Scott



Gerry Nutini
The Nu Deal

Writer | Podcast | Commentator | Politics for the People. Check out the podcast and blog at, or join the conversation at