Welcome to the Nu Deal Podcast!
By Gerry Nutini

For more from The Nu Deal, visit thenudeal.com

The Senate passes the Infrastructure Bill and moves forward with the Budget Plan. There’s a new Jeopardy host! Rand Paul was naughty with stocks, the situation worsens in Afghanistan and of course, how could I not cover COVID — Delta Variant style — again. Just another jam-packed week of The Nu Deal Podcast!

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Regunberg Article

Show Notes


TNR How to Tell Your Child About the End of the World

Jeopardy Sources

NYT: ‘Jeopardy!’ Announces Mike Richards and Mayim Bialik as New Hosts

Census Sources

WaPO Census data shows shows decrease in White population

Voting Bill Sources

CNN: Senate Republicans block effort by Democrats to advance voting and election bill

Infrastructure Bill Sources

NYT Senate Passes $1 Trillion Infrastructure Bill
NYT How the Infrastructure Bill Passed the Senate

Budget Bill Sources

CNN Senate Democrats approve $3.5 trillion budget resolution in key step toward passing major economic package
NYT: Senate Passes $3.5 Trillion Budget Plan, Advancing Sweeping Safety Net Expansion
WaPo Democratic divisions emerge after Senate adopts $3.5 trillion budget

COVID Sources

The Hill More than a million Americans have already cheated to get unauthorized vaccine boosters
CBS News New vaccinations have nearly doubled from last month, according to CDC data
CNN Two Texas judges issue temporary restraining orders against governor’s mask mandate order
CNBC Florida hospitals overrun as state fights one of worst Covid outbreaks in US
USA Today COVID update: CDC urges vaccine for pregnant people
Boston Globe: They’re killing us. Can we vote them out?

Afghanistan Sources

Wiki Osama bin Laden
Guardian ‘A Day for Respect’: military veterans mark US troops’ exit from Afghanistan
Youtube: Taliban captures 10th major city as US troops pull out of Afghanistan

Cuomo Sources

Youtube: Cuomo Resigns: See New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s Announcement

Paul Sources

Rand Paul: Rand Paul discloses 16 months late that his wife bought stock in company behind Covid treatment



Gerry Nutini
The Nu Deal

Writer | Podcast | Commentator | Politics for the People. Check out the podcast and blog at thenudeal.com, or join the conversation at facebook.com/thenudeal