
Tamara McLanahan
NuR Pub
Published in
2 min readJul 23, 2017

“In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.” ~Coco Chanel

It’s easy in society today, in societies down through the ages really, to want to conform. To not make waves or buck the approved rules and norms. There can be safety in numbers, in not standing out and subjecting one’s self to ridicule or criticism. How to act, dress, think, speak. Write. Look to all the online courses on how to write “best sellers.” Take a hero or heroine from Column A, add the action from Column B, an antagonist from Column C, the central conflict from Column D, mix vigorously and viola, you have a book. And while that’s very often true, is it a unique book or a cookie cutter book that may be enjoyed for a time but forgotten by the next week?

There are rules, of course. We can probably all agree on what makes a bad book but what makes a good one? And beyond that, what qualities make it so different as to be irreplaceable? Generalizations now, which can be tricky but tastes and preferences differ widely. Add to that, some mainstream writers enjoy success no matter what quality writing they may have. Some even employ not so guarded secret ghost writers to knock out book after prolific book, but that’s for next week’s #Dispelling Myths.

Daring to break the molds is hazardous. We can look back to brave writers who tried and may have succeeded, some, unfortunately posthumously. Far too many suffered outrageously in the attempts. My thoughts drift to Poe and Wilde, two of my favorites and for good reason. They kept true to their art, their pilgrim souls and died too soon due to persecution and penury.

It’s up to us. No one begrudges commercial success. I’m sure we’d all enjoy that for ourselves and for each other. To increase the stature of Indie Publishing is how I started my blogs and podcasts. Support from peers is always welcome and immensely helpful. So the question becomes, can we find a balance? A successful book that manages to combine creative integrity and uniqueness and do we attempt it?

I believe so. And if any can manage that, the NuR’s can. So here’s to being different. To giving in to the unique voice we’re capable of.

Let’s be irreplaceable.

“So have a pleasant and productive day,
and oh, what myths can we bust today?”

~Tamara McLanahan



Tamara McLanahan
NuR Pub

A Wicked Pen writer, a NuRomantic as well, cruising the cosmos with my ephemeral chicanery...