You won’t believe what Republicans are plotting in Congress right now.

Emma Slayton
The NVCC Democrats
Published in
3 min readMar 22, 2017

The House of Representatives will soon cast its first vote on the American Health Care Act — the GOP replacement for the critically important and increasingly popular Affordable Care Act. This GOP bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act will cause millions of Americans to lose their health insurance, increase the cost of healthcare to consumers, and severely restrict accessibility to Medicaid. The new bill will also defund Planned Parenthood, even though no federal money currently goes towards abortion procedures and many need the critical services they provide!

(Image Source: The Democrats)

Under the new Republican plan, The CBO has estimated that 24 million Americans will lose access to affordable healthcare underneath the new plan. To give you an idea of how large that number is, it’s equivalent to the combined populations of Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Delaware, West Virginia, Alabama, New Mexico, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho!

More than 43,000 people will die annually if the Affordable Care Act is repealed.

(Image Source: The Democrats)

Why do some Republicans like the plan? Because even though they would be risking the lives and the financial security of many Americans, Trumpcare would give the wealthy more tax breaks. That’s right, Republicans are putting the financial interests of the top 1% over the health of ordinary, hardworking Americans.

Quick Review of what the American Health Care Act will do:

— The Democrats (@TheDemocrats) March 7, 2017

I know you’re as horrified by this as I am. Here’s how we can stop this.

Many Republicans are still on the fence about this bill. This means that we may be able to defeat the bill on its first full vote before the House. Call your representative’s office ASAP, urge them to vote NO on AHCA and help us defeat the GOP attack on healthcare.

Representatives DO pay attention to these calls and they DO work. Just last night on TV, a Republican representative was talking about his “call count” and that he’d received more calls opposing the bill than in favor.

It’s as simple leaving the following message:

“Hi, my name is ______. I am one of your constituents from _________ and I urge you to vote against the American Healthcare Act because ______.”

We need to focus our pressure on Republican representatives, so if you live in one of the Democratic congressional districts I encourage you to focus your energy into neighboring Republican-held areas, (perhaps after also giving your own Dem representative a call thanking them for fighting against such horrifying legislation.)

Congressional representatives from the Northern VA area:

Barbara Comstock (R): (202) 225–5136
Tom Garrett (R): (202) 225–4711
Rob Wittman (R): (202) 225–4261
Gerry Connolly (D): (202) 225–1492
Don Beyer (D): (202) 225–4376

If you don’t know what district you’re in or live outside of Northern VA, you can use this to figure it and reach them.

If you’re still reading this, I want to thank you for being someone who cares about everyday Americans. It’s people like you that are going to prevent the Republican agenda from destroying our country. Make sure to share this with friends and family that also believe this is wrong know how important it is to fight back!

(UPDATE 3/23/17 4:55pm):

The House has postponed the vote thanks to our efforts. Let’s keep it up and make sure this bill fails for good!

