Keep innovating

The Nxed Journey
Published in
4 min readOct 20, 2018

The definition of technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry. Thanks to the internet, people have access to an infinite amount of knowledge in a small device that they can carry in their pocket.

Charles H. Duell once said, “everything that can be invented has been invented”.

Some people agree with his statement, especially in today’s world. People can easily think that everything has already been invented, that only the rich and well educated have what it takes to invent something new, or that they should just wait for a company to give them a product that would help them with their problems. If people just remember that there are endless possibilities to what we can accomplish because of the technology we use today, then they would be more willing to recreate reality. They would be more willing to push through their doubts and let their imagination be free.

The innovators

There are many examples of people who have used their imagination and creativity to create something that would have been considered crazy by those who were afraid of change.

  • Henry Ford

Henry Ford was an American industrialist who revolutionized factory production with his method of assembly lines. His introduction of the Model-T automobile in 1908 revolutionized transportation by making it so that the average American could afford an automobile. The car assembly lines are not what we consider digital technology, but it was an unheard-of technology at the time.

Henry Ford used is creativity to come up with new a new system that he believed would make the lives of average people easier. He didn’t let other people’s lack of vision affect his persistence, he understood that “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.”

  • Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs was many things. He was the CEO and a co-founder of Apple Inc., Chairman, and stockholder of Pixar, and CEO of NeXT. He was also a visionary, an entrepreneur, someone who wasn’t afraid to think differently from everyone else even when he was questioned by those around him. He refused to accept that the world is what it is. Steve Jobs disliked dogmatic thinking because that way of thinking ignores the possibilities that violate the rules. His dedication to creating the unheard of led the creation of the first modern personal computer, the Apple 1. This and his newer computer versions gave people a chance to become better connected with technology in the comfort of their own homes.

In 2007, Apple introduced one of the most successful products it has ever created, the first iPhone. This product revolutionized the concept of having a phone. With imagination and creativity, Apple created a product that created a new way of life for people worldwide. Giving people access to music and the internet on a mobile device is now just the basics of what an iPhone does.

  • Elon Musk

Elon Musk is known for creating many successful companies that deal with space technology, sustainable energy, and the internet. After teaching himself to program computers, Elon Musk worked hard to use technology in order to improve the lives of mankind.

He founded Tesla Motors in 2003, which is responsible for the first fully electric sports car. He also founded SpaceX in 2002, with the intention of building spacecraft for commercial space travel. In 2012, SpaceX launched the Falcon 9 rocket into space with an unmanned capsule to the International Space Station. Elon Musk is well known for thinking beyond what is expected to be the reality. using technology, he has had many revolutionary accomplishments during his quest to change people’s lives.

Create the future

It’s true that these innovators are known for being wealthy and famous, but they didn’t start that way. They came from humble beginnings and had to overcome many obstacles that would cause many people to give up in what they believed in. They all believed that they could use the resources they had to turn their imagination into a reality. When the resources available to them wasn’t enough to make their dreams a success, they innovated. They created what they needed.

This means that there are endless possibilities to what a person can do with the resources they have, along with their creativity and mindset. Now, we have technology that makes it simpler to obtain the necessary knowledge needed to make anything more efficient or effective. We just need to change our perspective and reawaken our human instinct of entrepreneurship, because as Wayne Dyer once said, “when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”.

Nxed is an ed-tech firm of talented creatives whom are deeply passionate about bringing universities into the 21st century by the intersection of technology and education. Stay connected with our story and leave a comment, check us out at

Until then, “Keep Thinking” — Nxed team.

