5 Things That Are Free but Offers Priceless Results

Use them to be and feel better

Danny Oak
The Oak Tree


Modern life can often fool us by making us believe that there are so many things that we need and so we must work hard to afford it all.

Anyone over thirty can surely recall a time in the past where we didn’t have most of the “luxuries” that we now see as essential, like iPhones, Internet, half-dozen streaming subscriptions, a second car, etc.

We had none of these back then, and yet we managed to be happy. In some cases, happier.

Of course, times evolve, and I’m not saying that some of the now so-called “essentials” aren’t, in fact, essential for our modern way of living. The Internet is an excellent example of this, as it is hard to imagine a life without an internet connection nowadays, and all the benefits that it brings in terms of knowledge, education, and opportunities.

But we know that most of these things, responsible for big chunks of our expenses, were planted in our lives under a false idea of necessity.

It is what it is, and I’m not here to preach minimalism to that extent, but I believe this modern life came along with another problem besides consumerism.

In a world where the rule is to spend more and more so we may keep up with the Joneses…



Danny Oak
The Oak Tree

Writer | Writing about my journey to become who I want to be. Join my newsletter SOAK for exclusive content. Join here: http://bit.ly/3y0jT0Z