Originality Lost

Shanmuga Boopathy
The Oblivion
Published in
4 min readDec 6, 2018

‘Dude, I got selected in campus recruitment !’, I told my friend excited.

‘Me too dude!’, he replied.

That was the most happiest moment for me. It was not because I got selected, but both of us were getting into the same organization.

‘We’re going to rock there’, we chorused as we opened our party bottles.

‘We will get our own bike, with our first month salary’, we were so exited after finishing half of it, as we always do.

‘Congrats! we got our first month salary’, I told him. He looked terrified. I asked him what was the reason.

‘Sorry dude, I will not be able to keep up our promise. I cannot buy the bike now’, he said.

‘Come on. We never do anything as we promised. Cheer up. Neither can I get it right now’, I told him and winked at him.

After around six months, I managed to get a bike. The first advice I got from him was to get a duplicate key and use the same. He warned me not to use the original key unless I lose the duplicate key. He himself then helped me to get the keys. He very well knew that I am lazy and will not do these kind of stuffs immediately.

Time flew off very fast that I couldn’t recall my life. Many things had changed since then. I got a promotion at my workplace, and also in my life. Now, I have a girlfriend, and more responsibilities to follow. I managed to take big responsibilities in my life, with less care. I always tell her that she has to take care of herself and I want her to be independent. We go out for long drives in and around the city, which is real fun. We are the happiest couple since we expressed our love, despite having some disputes. We have in fact always enjoyed the little quarrels.

Now I seldom talk to my best buddy, and I have a lot of attachment towards my girlfriend. I might think about myself that my originality is lost. I sometimes think that my life won’t be successful without her. ‘What’s your plan this weekend?’, I asked her. ‘Nothing much’, she said. This would be the reply she will tell every time I ask her. ‘Okay. Let us go out for a long drive’, I said and winked at her. ‘But hon, please don’t be late at least this time’, she told me with a cute innocent look. God, I died with that look! I smiled at her sheepishly. Whenever we plan to go out, I would always be late by at least thirty minutes. This worried her a lot. But I couldn’t change myself. I left the place and promised myself that I shouldn’t be late this time

I woke up very early the next morning, and I dressed up neat. I called her to check where she was, and relaxed a bit since she hadn’t arrived yet. She asked me to start from my place after 15 minutes. I enjoyed myself listening to my list of morning songs. When I was about to leave, I suddenly had no idea where I had kept my bike keys. I searched for a long time, but ended up in vain. That was when I was reminded of the other key that I had. Luckily, I was able to find it out quickly without much effort. Mentally thanking my friend, I hurried to the place. I reached late as always, and I realized, she was much worried this time. As usual, I apologized to her for being late. But this time she was not convinced.

As a last attempt I told her, ‘Sorry hon! I was ready, but I had no idea where I had kept my bike key. I was searching for a long time, but couldn’t find it. Then I realized that I had a duplicate key, and I came out with this’, and showed the key. I was lucky, for she was able to differentiate between the two keys. Finally she got convinced, not with the truth I had told her, but with the promise I made that I would take her for the latest blockbuster releasing that week. ‘If only I had made the promise earlier’, I wondered.

After giving life to my relationship, I gave life to my bike. Only after traveling some distance, I realized that this was my original bike key, and what I lost was the duplicate key.

The originality is lost, when we maintain distance from something for quite a long time. Sadly, this is applicable even with humans.



Shanmuga Boopathy
The Oblivion

Author | co-author of DuOrb, a science fiction suspense thriller