What Happens When I Write a Blog!

Shanmuga Boopathy
The Oblivion
Published in
3 min readNov 21, 2018

There lived a maid, who assisted her mid-aged mistress in a fairly huge house surrounded by a luxurious garden. One fine day, as the mistress was relaxing in the living room watching television, the maid was busy preparing lunch. Suddenly, the maid heard a gunshot which made her drop the vessels in panic. She came running all the way down to the living room all the time confused on where the gunshot came from and who triggered it on whom. As she reached the room, the dreadful sight awaiting her made her scream her lungs out. It was her mistress lying frozen on the carpet with blood all around. She had been shot on her head. The maid quickly looked around within the room and ran outside in the hopes of catching a glimpse of the murderer. But to her dismay she found none.

Not knowing what to do, she immediately called the police and reported the incident. The police arrived at the scene within few minutes and began interrogating the maid. After few hours of investigation and snooping around, they still had no clues. As they stood there, deserted, everyone in the house heard the phone ringing. One of the officers motioned the others to stay back and picked the call. A voice whispered on the other side, ‘I know who did this, and why he did. I can’t talk over the phone, to know more please come to…..’, and the line went blank.

I closed my laptop. This is my first blog, and I’m writing with great expectations of becoming a prominent writer. Keeping my thoughts aside, I went to sleep.

Next morning, I woke up to incessant knocking at my door. Though I did not feel like leaving my bed, I reluctantly woke up and went for the door. When I opened it, I was in for a shock. There were two uniformed police officers standing at my doorstep. One of them spoke up, ‘I’m Varun, Inspector of Police. Sorry to disturb you so early in the morning! We want to take you to a place.’ I panicked. Seeing my distraught face, he continued, “We know you are not a suspect. Please come with us.” Never in my wildest dreams, had I imagined police visiting my place. I replied, ‘Can you please wait for some time so that I can freshen up?’ They nodded their head and I sprinted in. Exactly after 15 minutes, I came out saying, ‘Thanks for waiting. We shall go’. I sat comfortably in their car, and they started from my place.

They pulled over the car near a luxurious house. Oblivious to it, I was immersed in thoughts. The journey there had been very silent.‘’Why I am here? Why did they bring me?’. The policeman tapped me out of reverie and they took me into the house. I saw the chalk marking of a dead person. The place looked weird, and eerily similar to crime scenes shown in movies. There were ‘DON’T CROSS THE LINE’ signs plastered all over the place and people were doing something. There was a maid sitting in the corner of living room looking very sober.

The officer made me sit on a chair in the dining room. He then asked me, ‘What is the lead for the murder?’.

I didn’t understand what he was saying, and I asked, ‘What lead? What murder?’.

‘Please be serious, you had called me yesterday and said you know who did the crime, and the reason behind it ‘, and he proceeded to tell me the whole story.

I was bewildered.

‘But but.. That is not possible. Whatever you said is my story, I wrote for my first blog. I haven’t posted it yet, and what happened here is exactly the same. Seriously I don’t know anything about it. You are freaking me out’.

‘We don’t have any clue regarding this crime. Your call had brought some hope to proceed the case. Please be frank. You will be provided full security’

‘Sir! I swear I don’t know anything. I just- just writing my story. I want to become a writer. Nothing more than that. Please leave me!.’

‘No! You look frightened. Did someone threaten you about this. Please don’t worry. We will give you full escort.’

‘No. No one threatened me, I don’t know anyone and anything. Please leave me alone, I-I gotta go..’, I jumped from my chair and I woke up from my sleep. Oh God! This is a dream.




Shanmuga Boopathy
The Oblivion

Author | co-author of DuOrb, a science fiction suspense thriller