We changed our name! (Slightly)

The Ocean
The Ocean
Published in
1 min readJan 23, 2018

Sometimes when you are in the the heat of the moment you leap to conclusions that might not really make sense. A few months ago, when we picked the name ‘The 0cean’ with a zero for the ‘O’ we asked — is this going to be confusing? And for some reason we answered ourselves with ‘probably not’.

Turns out, the correct answer is ‘yes!’

So for the sanity of everyone who has tried to type our URL, we are changing the name to: The Ocean.

We also have a beautiful new logo and we are now live at theocean.trade, which is typed exactly the way it sounds. Hurrah!

Meanwhile, our incredible engineering team has been building, building, building. And we have a big milestone coming up this week, so stay tuned. You can always sign up on The Ocean email list to be the first to get updates.



The Ocean
The Ocean

The Ocean is a high performance 0x-based Ethereum ERC20 token trading platform. Sign up for launch news: www.theocean.trade