Top five surprises in the NBA after ten games

Aaron Lieberman
The Ocho
Published in
4 min readNov 9, 2017

Aaron brings you all the way-too-early takes that you probably weren’t looking for

After ten games, it is the ABSOLUTE perfect time to start assessing the state of the NBA. Nothing is more reliable than a knee-jerk reaction, so let’s dive right in.

In no particular order, here are the top five most surprising NBA storylines after ten games:

1. The State of the East

Okay, can we all just took a look at the teams that would advance to the playoffs if the season ended today?

“The 76ers are going to be a playoff team this season,” said pretty much only Sixers fans, and Embiid.

If you told me that the Pistons would be the two-seed, and the 76ers would have more wins than the Wizards, I would probably ask what era of basketball you were taking about. However, after only 10 measly games, this is where we stand. Cleveland has been dragging their heels (although it is noted that IT4 hasn’t played a single game yet), but will no doubt rebound and turn this season into an HBO series next year. However, teams that were thought to be risers this season like Charlotte and Miami, will really have to get things figured out if they want to compete with young, athletic teams like Detroit and Philly.

2. The Celtics are 9–2 and Gordon Hayward is practicing free-throws from a chair (RIP)

I mean NO disrespect here, what happened to Hayward as a tragedy. BUT, the resolve that this Celtics team has shown has been remarkable. With young talent and leadership, Boston is surging right now.

It seems like a useless statistic, but I think it speaks volumes on the team and what they have been able to overcome. Oh, by the way, last time the Celtics started a season 8–2, they went to the Finals.

3. Minnesota has the third best record in the West

I actually don’t mind the new jerseys

So, it really is that easy. Minnesota heard that you needed a big three to compete, so they went out and acquired Jimmy Buckets, solidifying their big(ish) three. It’s also worth noting that they scooped up the often-maligned Jeff Teague as well, giving them the ball distributor they needed to solidify their starting five. It’s really looking like Minny has something going here. Who knows where they will finish by the end of the season (I would predict somewhere around 5/6). But if KAT, Andrew Wiggins, and Jimmy Buckets are able to play a great season together, Minnesota is going to be a prime destination for next year’s crop of elite free agents.

4. After acquiring PG13 and Melo, OKC is looking up at the Lakers

And somehow they also finished with an awful shooting %, must be the refs.

Okay, okay, don’t @ me. I knowww that OKC is going to get things straightened out, under Billy Donovan, and rise up the charts any time. But for now, the following teams have better records: Denver Nuggets, New Orleans Pelicans, Los Angeles Lakers, and the Utah Gortats (I mean, Jazz). Will this last forever? Obviously not. It likely won’t last past this weekend. However, teams like the Lakers and even the Grizzlies (who have beaten Houston twice and Golden State once) are really showing some promise in a very elite and congested Western Conference last season.

5. The Houston Rockets are the first seed in the West (without Chris Paul)

Harden is doing it STILL doing it all for the Rockets.

I know I am a homer, and I wear it on my sleeve. I buried this one in here because I bet only 10% of our readers even have an attention span long enough to get them this far. But what Houston has done so far this season has really been great to see. After losing Chris Paul almost immediately, Houston has found a way to stay competitive in the West. They arguably haven’t beaten anybody yet, I mean besides that HUGE season-opener when KD forgot the ball was still in his hand before the buzzer sounded. Beating teams like Dallas, Sacramento and Charlotte doesn’t impress me. But, seeing Harden score 56 points and dish out 13 assists does impress me. Hang time Rockets fans, once CP3 comes back I am sure we will play and lose a great series against Golden State.



Aaron Lieberman
The Ocho

Communications Intern @thornleyfallis & Bartender/Server. Co-host of @TheOchoPodcast.