VII. this task thing for this scholarship thing

Jody Muhammad Ezananda
The Odinary Journal
6 min readMay 29, 2019

Menulis dalam rangka menjawab sekumpulan pertanyaan dari Tatyana Ibrahim

Courtesy of Tatyana Ibrahim, post editing by yours sincerely.

So earlier today (29/05), a good friend of mine Tatyana Ibrahim asked me to do an interview which she said would be sent for this task thing for this scholarship thing’. The topic was about ‘wellbeing’, a word that, surprisingly, I rarely used and even heard in life that I had to google down its meaning. Turns out it is synonymous with the word welfare which I first came to know from the 4th installation of Call of Duty. When I said yes, she suddenly showered me with 18 bits of questions (broken down into 3 sequences: basic, social, and emotional.) which took me nearly 2 hours to actually sit and answer. I don’t know what else to say, read the full Q7A here:


1. Overall, what do you think is well-being?

“What do you think about/is ___?”

This type of question is kinda tricky, and you only have 3 options to go with.

  1. You go with what you think it really is and elaborate it with your understanding. Your answer will show about how subtle and thoughtful you are as a person;
  2. You go with what the general consensus have agreed upon regarding the topic. Your answer will show just about how clever and resourceful you are as a person;
  3. You throw whatever is in your mind without trying to understand what it (the topic) actually is, elaborate it in wise-saying manner and you think everyone’s gonna like it because you are the CEO of that company, you are the Head of that student council and probably you are the founder that organization everyone in the campus talks about. IMHO you are just plain ignorant.

Get back to the question: According to, well-being means ‘a good or satisfactory condition of existence; a state characterized by health, happiness, and prosperity; welfare:’. I’ll go with that definition.

2. How would you say about your basic needs well-being such as health, education, food, shelter, clothing, and other items such as vehicle? Are you satisfied with what you currently have?

Never been better, except for my sleeping cycle I guess. Alhamdulillah.

3. Have you ever thought about having some savings? When you think about savings, what would you like to buy with it?

I’ve always wanted to save money, sadly it never happens. As for the second question, it’s funny that I’m never really sure on what to do with those money, I guess I’m still trying to figure it out though the first thing that crossed my mind when I read this question was probably buying some prospective shares.

4. Does digital transformation help you fulfill those basic needs? How would you like to see it advance in the future?

Yes, of course. Wouldn’t it be cool if there’s a system that can monitor your current condition: health, hunger, bladder, hygiene, etc; just like in The Sims?

5. When talking about health, do you think the healthcare provided by the government suffice?

I’m not really sure on this one. I’ve heard a lot of good things and bad things surrounding it. My aunt works for the pharmacy department in local state hospital and she always hates it when she found a patient there who do crowdfunding for the healthcare cost, and recommended the BPJS instead. Some relatives whom I know are doctors, told me about how not well paid they are since the BPJS thing was applied. As for personal experience, last month I had this experience when my fam took a (not by blood) family member to a local state hospital with a BPJS card on, although the first checkup and treatment service were impressive, once she was brought to the BPJS-tagged patient rooms, the room left us such a worrysome impression: the room was full of patients where most of them were (looked like) in critical conditions, the room ambience though was a bit, I don’t know, unfit to breathe? the nurse and the on-duty doctors were to be honest quite felt like unexperienced post-grad student doing their ‘job’ and trying their best to finish their master study. I might be wrong though, the last one was just one case and I’d say it definitely cannot represent the whole BPJS thing, but that was the only one I encountered personally and the only one that turned out not to be a good one.

6. What do you think can the government improve in digitalization to enhance physical health well-being?

Ensuring the digital healthcare services, I guess? Make sure that no one is waiting for some non-sense uncertainty due to poor procedural services, it’s painful.

7. How would you say about your social needs well-being?


8. How can digitalization improve to enhance the quality of education?

As for enchancing education through digitalization, I’m 100% in to this. We need to make education as accessible as possible. There should be a portal (nationally) where everyone can access knowledge or gaining skills without having our feet stepped in to the classroom doors. The rest of us need to work on the engineering stuffs so that we can build better infrastructure and make these things accessible to the more primitive areas.

But the thing with digital-based education, I don’t think it is a good medium to incubate teaching of mannerism and practical skills.


9. How would you describe the importance of social relations with your significant others such as family/friends?

It’s indispensable, I don’t know what else to say.

10. Would you say they are supportive of what you do? Is there anything you would like to change about the situation to further fulfill your well-being?

Alhamdulillah, Thank God yes they are. The problem with my case is I’m yet to sure with what I’m currently up to.

11. Do you think well-being correlates with what you give back to your surroundings? What sort of things (if any) do you give to the people closest to you to fulfill your well-being?

Yeah probably, I mean some people do live by other persons’ happiness, you know. For me, I’m always trying my best to be a Johnny-on-the-spot dude, you know. Bi’ithnillah.

12. How does digital transformation help you in fulfilling your social needs? What would you like to see progress in terms of digitalization to help you enhance your social needs well-being?

Yahoo! Mail, Multiply, Friendster, Facebook, Kaskus, Twitter, Instagram, Ask FM, Vimeo, Vine, Youtube, Gmail, Reddit, LinkedIn.

My social needs were already fulfilled by these social networking platforms. I just miss those beautiful days where Politics didn’t get along the way (Pre-2014). Twitter and Instagram are now such a horrible place to stay in, if it weren’t for my circle interactions, I wouldn’t be bothering myself to spare some memory spaces for these apps.

I don’t know, I’m not sure.


13. What about your emotional well-being? Are you happy with your current state?

Alhamdulillah. Cool as usual, it may go up and down though.

14. Have you reached the stage of self-acceptance? (Accepting yourself & things that happen to you)

As for what has happened, Alhamdulillah I do and I believe that’s all by His decree. And as for what’s coming, I’m not really sure, I guess I’m still trying to figure things out though at the end of the day I will always try my best to accept what happens. I do believe in Allah’s Lordship. Bismillah.

15. What’s your main emotional well-being goal?

To be patient and grateful.

16. What can be improved from yourself to reach calm and peaceful existence?

You know, I believe the only way is by seeking this Deen knowledge. I believe that’s the only key to attain serenity, as everything good and bad do come from Allah, and the clues that He give us with are there in His book and His Messenger (Peace Be Upon Him) prophecies. Anything else just give you a temporary peace and calmness, transitory.

17. How can digital transformation improve to help you enhance your emotional well-being?

I don’t know, I’m not sure. There have been more narrations telling us the opposite.

18. On a scale of 1–10, what would you say is your state of well being?

Alhamdulillah, I’m feeling a strong 7 to light 8 at this very moment. May go down to decent 4 when seeing a bad headline in Line Today, or even worse strong 2 during the traffic, and may go up to a solid 10 before I go to sleep and in the moment I find myself getting another days to live.


