The Films of Carl Sukenick: Blood Boy (2014)

Brandon Dockery
The Offbeat Movie Emporium
2 min readOct 15, 2022


…which is also Blood Boy 2

Trying to write about the filmography of Carl Sukenick is a lot like trying to recall a dream you’ve had. You need to write it down as soon as it’s fresh or else it’ll melt into a feverish hodge-podge of nonsequiturs and brain worms. Then there’s no way of sorting any of it out. Nonetheless, I’ll do the best I can.

Once again, the Black Scorpion organization is up to…something, which involves radiation storms and naked breasts. It’s up to Carl J. Sukenick, DOD agent extraordinaire (and also a detective) to save the day by puttering around his apartment, watching old footage he shot of naked breasts and using his overflowing trashcan as a cupholder while he guzzles a seemingly endless supply of tea. If there’s a deeper plot than this, I don’t know what it is.

It’s not unusual for 15 minutes or more of any given Sukenick movie to include Carl watching old “security footage from previous missions”, in which he sets up his camcorder in front of his old TV and plays old tapes. Blood Boy is no exception. The breasts mentioned above are shown, as well as some old footage of guys in masks. Rather than a soundtrack, there is Carl’s omnipresent wheezing behind the camcorder, interspersed with random elevator music from an unseen radio.

Stable Diffusion’s interpretation of Carl eating spaghetti



Brandon Dockery
The Offbeat Movie Emporium

It’s not about the destination, it’s about complaining every step of the way there. Writing published in Slackjaw, Points in Case, The Haven and Robot Butt