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Write For The Offbeat.

A more unconventional publication


The Offbeat. is a place for you to step outside of your usual niche and do something different. Be someone different.

It’s a place for you to take some writing risks. Thinking of dabbling in short-form beat poetry? Maybe transcribing a musical about the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Experience in Glasgow? A fictional diary entry of your personal descent into Hell?

At The Offbeat., we’re all ears.

Whatever you want to do, there’s space here to write in an odd way about some really unusual topics.

Let’s do something weird together.

You can join and start writing by:

  1. Following The Offbeat publication (you can do that here). You can follow me too if you want.
  2. Clapping this post- this will help give us some visibility, but it’s not a must(do what you feel) .
  3. Following “The Offbeat” tag to boost the growth of our publication. You can also use the tag for your stories to let members see it.
  4. Commenting on this story with your Medium username to let me know you’d like to join.

I will add you as a writer, clap and reply to your comment as soon as I see it (usually within 24 hours).



The Offbeat

Writer and content designer. Here to help you and me get better at writing. Being weird over at The Offbeat.