Disappointed But Not Surprised: Campaign Week 2

Sorting through the unexpected but actually very expected trash of the week.


Welcome to Disappointed But Not Surprised, where we catalogue the events of the past week which reminded us of how trash Australian politics is, and how detached from reality our political class is.

Each week we award the biggest disappointment of the week the Malcolm Turnbull Compromising On His Principles Award, in honour of the man who did the most in stoking DBNS culture within Australian politics.

Without further ado, here are the winners from the first full week of the campaign.

Dishonourable Mention

Liberals Do A Preference Deal With The Devil

News broke this week that the Liberals had done a preference deal with one of the worst parties — Palmer United. Unfortunately for Scott Morrison, he timed his visit to Townsville, a place which deeply hates Plamer for what he did to workers at his Queensland Nickel refinery when the company went bankrupt.

But honestly who’s surprised the Libs are preferencing a fellow dumpsterfire in a last ditch effort to shore up some votes.

Runner Up

Fraser Annings Supporters Are Fucking Awful

Again Fraser Anning breaks this list by being completely unsurprisingly awful, and yet again he won’t be winning anything in my book. This week, he held a press conference announcing some new candidates. A journalist asked some questions about Annings claims that the Cronulla Riots were caused by Muslims, and Annings supporters don’t like a critisicm. Hence, this scene:

Because violence is clearly always the answer.


Scott Morrison Massively Backflips

Earlier in the week, Labor announced they would ban gay conversion therapy across Australia, following Victoria's lead . In response to this, Scott Morrison stated that he “doesn’t recommend it”, then swiftly moved on to talking about taxes, because obviously a completely abhorrent practice only deserves such a half-arsed response.

However, a few days later, the Liberal party ‘emphatically’ stated that they would “discourage” the practice at a federal level, which is only marginally stronger language, but clearly the party realised that Morrison had really messed up by taking such a soft line.

But we all knew the Liberals didn’t care about the LGBT community anyways so where’s the surprise.

