Things that developer should know before joining a start-up

The Official Blog of Delightree
2 min readApr 18, 2020

I started my career as a developer and having the experience of working in two start-ups. I feel confident enough to share my views about the start-ups from a developer perspective.

Fast paced development

In small companies, the teams are usually small and the deadlines set are rarely pushed forward, daily tasks and weekly goals that are set requires you to work at a faster pace.

In both the companies when i joined, right away i was assigned a task to build small feature of the product which had to be integrated later on.

Change is the only constant

Small companies never rely on particular stack of technology. They keep experimenting with new technologies and services and you should be able to adapt to them quickly and put them to use to build a better product.

The company which was solely relying on python-AngularJS for building the products had to switch to Go Lang-Angular 7 for building a product related to networking and it’s your self-interest that helps you in learning new technologies, switching b/w the technologies and to work at a faster pace.

Be ready to embrace failures

When you are building a product everything feels right about it but you never know how it might take off when it’s launched and you might not be sure about its success until you have a handful of customers. In tough situations when product doesn’t kick off as expected, instead of worrying about the failure it’s the time to figure out the blockages and try finding solutions.

Investing time and yourself

Investing time and yourself are often directly proportional to each other. The more time you spend on learning and implement stuff, the more experience and speed in developing things. There will be situations where you will be expected to learn new technologies or while building a feature you may end up spending more time than your working hours.Teams being very small you will be forced to these situations and you should take them as an opportunity to learn rather than shying away from the situation.

Freedom and Flexibility

In start-ups each member in the team is important as anyone, you will always be provided an opportunity to be part of the discussions so that you feel yourself free to express your ideas and get things done in your own way.

Start-ups generally allow employees to work with great flexibility either by allowing them to work remotely or flexible work timings, at the end of day all that matters is to get things done on time.


Above all, mutual trust between you and your company owners , relation that you build with your colleagues, self interest in learning things and making use of most the opportunities benefits you and company.

