William H.G. Butler Middle School
5 min readAug 13, 2018


Change is in the air. We wish Mr. Ortega good luck in his run for state legislature & his new job as National Coordinator at Rock the Polls. As our Student Council advisor and History teacher, he has taught us the importance of being an earnest citizen. No doubt, he will make his mark on our future textbooks as a pioneer of tougher gun laws.

#honorthemwithaction #teachersofinstagram #teachersmatter #armmewith

—July 3, 2018

Teachers all over America are struggling with the problem of gun violence in schools, be it lockdown drills or active shooter events. Over and over again, in news articles, first person essays, and social media posts, they speak about the pressure upon them to be the first line of defense for their students. This is not what they signed up for when they chose to work in schools. In particular, the voice of one high school teacher, Bruce Klasner, who was quoted in a New York Times article, haunted our editorial team. Speaking at a teachers union meeting in Broward County, Fla., he said:

“I teach the Holocaust… I taught them…about a man by the name of Janusz Korczak who walked into the gas chambers with his children because he refused to leave them,” he said. “And after this happened my kids are sitting outside saying, ʻMr. K, would you give your life for me?’”

Mr. Klasner’s voice, coupled with the skyrocketing number of teachers going into politics—EdWeek reports that over 150 teachers are running for local and state office in the 2018 midterm—inspired us to create the character of Mr. Ortega. This particular character seems to have spoken deeply to our Instagram audience. It was our 4th post of the series and received 200% more “Likes” than any of our other posts.

Mental health experts recognize that the rat-a-tat of 4th of July fireworks triggers stress & PTSD. In solidarity with those who continue to cope with the trauma of the tragic event at our school this year, our annual town-wide fireworks show which is usually held on the grounds of William Butler Middle School is cancelled. Instead, you are invited to a campfire, complete with free S’mores & a patriotic sing-a-long led by the Guy Fox Acoustic Act.

#fireworks #fourthofjuly #MyStoryMyWay

—July 4, 2018⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Independence Day fireworks are the heart and soul of our nation’s celebrations. But, the hard fact is that because fireworks trigger PTSD, around the country, real children and families are avoiding fireworks. In Michigan, one legislator has even introduced a bill for “silent fireworks. ”

As we planned our post for the 4th of July, we were thinking about how a school emerging from the trauma of a school shooting might about the impact of fireworks on its survivors.

It was a case of life imitating art when, after our Instagram post went up early on July 4th, we saw that in Coral Springs, Fla,, the local police department had posted on social media, requesting families not to set off personal fireworks. That same week, Parkland survivor and teen activist, Emma González, had suggested on Twitter that local Florida residents notify their neighbors of any plans to set off fireworks, consider alternative ways of celebrating, including using sparklers or decorating cakes, and allow for a “judgment-free zone” for people sensitive to loud noises.

Brave teachers like Ms. Tan were the 1st line of defense in the active shooter attack at our school. We sadly announce her retirement today. In just 2 years, she has led our Math Club to the state championships & instilled a love of numbers in all of us. She will be dearly missed, but we know that she will thrive in her new job. (Field trip, anyone?!)

#safeschools #careerchange #teacherlife

—July 5, 2018


Ms. Tan represents one of the many frontline teachers who have witnessed a horrific act of violence in their classrooms as a result of mass school shootings in America. Studies show that the emotional and psychological impacts on teachers are very real, and can lead to PTSD and teacher retirement. The character of Ms. Tan was inspired by this reality, coupled with the following reflection in Vox by De Elizabeth (a writer and editor who previously had a career in English and theater education at middle and high schools):

“Let’s pause to think about how dystopian this is: Ordinary men and women, drawn to teaching by their love of children and learning, have to think about scenarios that might typically haunt the dreams of soldiers in wartime. It’s certainly not what one would expect when they pursue their degree in education — and, contrary to what some might say today, it’s not what teachers signed up for.”

We asked ourselves: In an America where incidents of gun violence in schools continue at the current pace, what would be more dangerous as a job: Being responsible for children or working as an animal handler in a zoo? Who is truly in captivity— students, teachers, or animals in a zoo?



William H.G. Butler Middle School

William H.G. Butler Middle School, a graphic novella by Literary Safari