Beyond the Buzzwords: Authenticity
the blog
2 min readFeb 2, 2023

An important part of my role at is interviewing candidates. I love it because I get to share the collective uniqueness of our team and our values-driven culture. Candidates often ask me two things “What made you join” and “What makes you stay?”

I remember clearly, six years ago, what motivated me to explore a career with an inspiring Founder and a meaningful mission. Those two still ring true today. Now why do I stay? The super short answer is “the growth I experience and the ability to be my authentic self every day”. The long answer about authenticity….below!

What makes me stay

When I started, I was new to tech (came from the sports and media world) and was suddenly surrounded by brilliant computing experts (still am!) and tech startup veterans from Facebook, Airbnb and everything in between. I won’t lie, my first days/weeks, even months…I was super busy, having a great time but often felt confused about my impact on the business.

It wasn’t until around a year, where all in one week, I looked around our brand new office that I helped create, then was asked to MC All Hands meetings, then asked to start interviewing candidates…that I realized I may not be able to code, but I bring other unique strengths to the table that they’ve seen by making an intentional decision to be unapologetically me.

It wasn’t simply an intentional decision by me, it was this special company. It was its values, its leadership, my own Manager (the CEO!), my colleagues/now friends, that created this safe environment for me to be comfortable with who I was with unwavering support. As my mentor and co-manager, Rachel Jacobson, says, “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity” — and I’m certainly lucky those two collided for me here at IAI.

I feel most authentic when I am accepted and respected, flaws and all, and I’m so grateful I have that here at It’s rarely a guarantee in a workplace. I learn so much about myself by being myself…and am better for it.

If you want to learn more about’s values, culture and why 97% of our employees feel they can be their authentic self at work (while we continue to strive for 100%!!) — take note of our careers site — we’re always posting new roles!

Hope to interview you soon!



the blog

We're creating easy ways for developers and data teams to build distributed private networks to harness collective intelligence without moving data.