Podcast: Ethics in Enterprise AI with Susan Etlinger

In Context Episode 8 featuring Susan Etlinger

the integrate.ai blog
1 min readJun 13, 2018


In this episode of the In Context podcast, we welcome Susan Etlinger, an industry analyst at Altimeter Group who focuses on data, conversational business, and ethics in the age of artificial intelligence. In their conversation, she and Kathryn Hume look at how AI is unlocking the promise of design thinking to enable amazing customer experiences, how the rapidly evolving technology landscape is changing consumer expectations around trust, and why enterprises should view ethics as a competitive differentiator rather than merely a compliance exercise. Find out how you can break these issues down and start thinking about them clearly for your business.

In the podcast, you’ll learn about:

  • How AI in the enterprise is different from at companies like Amazon and Google
  • The way that Mastercard successfully uses chatbots
  • What it means to become more customer-centric
  • Defining ethics and trust in a consumer enterprise setting
  • Explainability and the black box
  • Embodying trust and ethics in the enterprise

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Susan giving her TED Talk about big data

About Susan:

Mentioned in the interview:



the integrate.ai blog

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