
Song 48: Tuffah (feat. Maysa Daw) by Yusor Hamed (2022)

Song: Tuffah
Release: تفاح (EP)
Artist/s: Yusor Hamed & Maysa Daw
From: Palestine
Listen: YouTube
Is It On Streaming? Yes
Why Do I Like It? While the combination of non-Western vocals and beat-driven electronics is too often a cheap stab at ‘worldliness’ by white male producers, Yusor Hamed’s synthesis has a craft, idiosyncrasy, and agency that really makes for something special. I particularly love the use of flutes and the churning bass synths under-pinning it all.

Noisy <Gender> Punk Energy is a DIY initiative by MJ O’Neill. Too often, artists and songs from beyond the cisgender dude spectrum are shoved into the neglected cracks of history. N<G>PE exists to notice, document, and share what can be shared. Your music matters. You can listen to all of the songs featured on this blog via our dedicated YouTube playlist.



MJ O'Neill
The Official Noisy <Gender> Punk Energy Archive

Beats. Noise. Singing. Skates. Silliness. Girlpunk. Queer. Superhuman. She/her.